Birth 1946 –

Rank and Name of Veteran's Service

Rank and Branch of Military

E-8 Air Force


Switched from Air Force to Department of the Army Civilian ( DAC)
Retired GS15

Years of Service


Locations of Training, Deployment, and Service

Amarillo, Texas

Wartime Theaters of Assignment and Major Battles

Army War College / First Civ Class / Frankfort FRG — Vietnam

Awards, Decorations, Badges, etc.

Purple Heart / Bronze Star x 2 / Air Force Commendation / Presidential Unit Citation

Relationship to the Daniel Haston Family

Descendant of Joseph Haston, Daniel’s son

Other Information

Sons of the America Revolution National Number 105819 / State Number 1569
1973 to present

In my Air Force Service, I was assigned to Texas for boot camp, California 1966 – 1968 -9th Recon Wing/ 1968/ SR71 support. Headquarters 7th Air Force in Saigon for the TET. Little Rock AirBase 1970- 1973. Special assignment Naples Italy -Afsouth NATO 1973- 1978. Switched to Department of the Army Civilian. Assigned to Special Operations Germany. Assigned to Special Projects in Mannheim, Worms, Fulda /11th Armored Cavalry Regiment.
Assigned as the first Civilian Community Officer for Fulda, Bad Hersfeld, and Bad Kissingen Military Communities. Retired GS-15.

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