01 – In Search of Our European Roots

01 – In Search of Our European Roots It looks like a hopeless task to trace back the family of Daniel, but let’s keep stumbling in the dark until we find something. Col. Howard H. Hasting, Sr. (1979) The desire of Daniel Haston’s descendants to know our European ethnicity did not begin with the genealogicalContinue reading “01 – In Search of Our European Roots”

02 – Hastons Rooted in Switzerland

02 – Our Haston Roots are in Switzerland For many years, even the most diligent researchers in the extended Daniel Haston family would hit the so-called genealogical “brick wall” with appearances of Daniel in western North Carolina, prior to the formation of the state of Tennessee.  They could establish their family connections back to Daniel,Continue reading “02 – Hastons Rooted in Switzerland”

03 – Our Mennonite Roots

03 – What Do You Know About Our Mennonite Roots? Image from Christianity.com Rev. Samuel Hiestand’s parents, grandparents, and several generations before were all Mennonites. “Samuel Hiestand” – Wikipedia This Samuel Hiestand was our Daniel Haston’s nephew, son of Daniel’s oldest brother Jacob. Huldrych (Ulrich) Zwingli You know about Martin Luther and the Protestant ReformationContinue reading “03 – Our Mennonite Roots”

04 – Swiss Anabaptists Flee to the Germany

04 – Our Swiss Ancestors Flee to Germany (Source: artuk.org) The Thirty Years War (1618-1648) Paves the Way for Swiss Anabaptists to Find New Homes Almost as soon as the Swiss Brethren (Anabaptists/Mennonites) began to teach and practice the Biblical principles they were learning from studying the New Testament (1525 A.D. and following), they encounteredContinue reading “04 – Swiss Anabaptists Flee to the Germany”

05 – Where Henrich Hiestand Was Born – Ibersheim, Germany

05 – Ibersheim, Germany German Home-Village of Our Hiestands https://www.akpool.de/ The village of Ibersheim (pronounced, Ibers-heim [“ib” as in “crib”]) is situated on what historically was an unprotected floodplain on the left bank (west side of) the Rhine River, just below (north of) a sharp northeastward bend in the river, about six miles (12 km)Continue reading “05 – Where Henrich Hiestand Was Born – Ibersheim, Germany”

05a – Our Hiestands (Heystandts) – Refugees on the North Sea

05a – Our Hiestands (Heystandts) – Refugees in Friedrichstadt on the North Sea “Heystandt” was the way the Hollander-Dutch spelled our Hiestand name. The Nine Years War or the War of the Grand Alliance In 1689 Ibersheim and the entire Palatinate again became a hot war zone.  Five years after hereditary tenant rights were grantedContinue reading “05a – Our Hiestands (Heystandts) – Refugees on the North Sea”

06 – The Journey from Ibersheim to America

06 – The Journey from Ibersheim to America Source: http://olivetreegenealogy.blogspot.com/ In early 1727, Henrich Hiestand probably boarded a barge in Worms, much like the one above, saying a “forever” goodbye to his Ibersheim family. Of the Mennonites who emigrated from the Rhine lands, “only a small proportion—roughly 10 percent—journeyed overseas.  The vast majority relocated inContinue reading “06 – The Journey from Ibersheim to America”

07 – Our Hiestands Begin Life in America

07 – Henry Hiestand – His Earliest Years in America William Penn’s first visit to his American colony in 1682 paved the way for our Henrich Hiestand to settle there 45 years later. Image Source: https://owlcation.com/ For Americans, an “immigrant ancestor” is an ancestor who emigrated from some other country, to come to and settleContinue reading “07 – Our Hiestands Begin Life in America”

08 – Henry Hiestand Settles on Penn Family Land

08 – Henry Hiestand Settled on Land Acquired from William Penn’s Sons Outline of the 226 acre tract Henry Hiestand settled on and had surveyed in Lancaster County, PA. And who were Henry Hiestands parents? Exactly where did he live in Lancaster County, PA? Why did he owe so much money to Caspar Wistar?  WhoContinue reading “08 – Henry Hiestand Settles on Penn Family Land”

09 – Our Ancestor Moves to the Shenandoah Valley, VA

Hiestands Move to the Shenandoah Valley in Northern Virginia From a “Hiestand field” on the South Fork of the Shenandoah River Our Daniel Hiestand/Haston was probably born a quarter mile or less down river from this spot. He grew up here and no doubt learned to swim and fish in this river–the South Fork ofContinue reading “09 – Our Ancestor Moves to the Shenandoah Valley, VA”

10 – Indian Troubles in the Shenandoah Valley, VA

10 – Indian Attacks Around Our Hiestands in Pennsylvania and Virginia Memorial for Rev. John Roads – Mennonist & wife and six children massacred here by Indians, August 1764 As a kid, cowboys and Indians was just a fun game we played.  And the battles between Indians and American pioneers was just something we enjoyedContinue reading “10 – Indian Troubles in the Shenandoah Valley, VA”

11 – The Henry Hiestand Family in Virginia

11 – The Henry Hiestand Family in Virginia When Henry Hiestand and his wife (name unknown) moved their family to Virginia, they probably already had four or five children who had been born back in Lancaster County, PA–Barbara (c. 1734), Jacob (c. 1736), Peter (c. 1738), and maybe Abraham (c. 1840).  Ann was born OctoberContinue reading “11 – The Henry Hiestand Family in Virginia”

12 – Hiestand Land in “The Fort” – Powell’s Fort Valley, VA

12 – Hiestand Land in “The Fort” – Fort Valley, Virginia Seven Bends of North Shenandoah River, near Woodstock, VA with Fort Valley in the Massanutten Mountain behind (east of) the river. Photo Above – Looking Southeast Foreground = Seven bends of North Fork Shenandoah River (near Woodstock, VA) on the west side of MassanuttenContinue reading “12 – Hiestand Land in “The Fort” – Powell’s Fort Valley, VA”

13 – Daniel Hiestand Married Christina Nave

13 – Our Daniel Hiestand Married Christina Nave In Shenandoah County, Virginia View Larger Version of this Image I think we can safely say it’s fact that our Daniel Hiestand/Haston married Christina Nave on September 28, 1773, or at least was issued a marriage bond on that date.  But two questions remain unanswered: Who wasContinue reading “13 – Daniel Hiestand Married Christina Nave”

14 – Daniel & Christina Nave Haston – Newlyweds in Fort Valley

14 – Daniel & Christina Nave Hiestand/Haston Newlyweds in Fort Valley, VA Daniel and Christina lived on Passage Creek for the first ten years or so of their marriage.  Their little kids (three whose names are unknown, but David and Joseph Haston for sure) would have played in this creek at or near this veryContinue reading “14 – Daniel & Christina Nave Haston – Newlyweds in Fort Valley”

15 – Henry Hiestand’s Estate Settled and the Family Splits

15 – Henry Hiestand’s Estate Settled and the Family Parts Ways Daniel’s Mother & Father Die in 1777 and 1779 Peter Hiessandt, Sr.’s, (older brother of Daniel) Bible record was written in the old German script, but transcribed later by descendants.  Peter recorded some very helpful information about his mother and father: Year 1777 theContinue reading “15 – Henry Hiestand’s Estate Settled and the Family Splits”

16 – Daniel Haston and the DAR and SAR

16 – Can I Get Into the DAR or SAR through Daniel Haston? The centennial of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1876 renewed a fervor to honor our country’s Revolutionary War patriots. In the year of that centennial, the Society of Cincinnati (Ohio) launched The Sons of the Revolution and a groupContinue reading “16 – Daniel Haston and the DAR and SAR”

17 – The “Daniel Haston” Revolutionary War Land Grant

The “Daniel Haston” Rev War Land Grant Legal or Fraudulent? 640 acres in Houston County, TN (west of Nashville) were granted to Thomas Archer, based on Revolutionary War Land Grant #2344.  The right to the land was originally issued to a “Daniel Haston.”  But was the name Daniel Haston just used by NC Secretary ofContinue reading “17 – The “Daniel Haston” Revolutionary War Land Grant”

17a – The “Guilford County Four” and Rev War Land Grant Proceedings at Fairfield Plantation

17a – The “Guilford County Four” And the Epicenter of 1785 Land Fraud – James Glasgow’s “Fairfield” Plantation This is #2 in a sequence of 3 articles.  You should read the first article before reading this one. 1. “Daniel Haston” Rev War Land Grant 3. Thomas Archer – the Man Who Ended Up with theContinue reading “17a – The “Guilford County Four” and Rev War Land Grant Proceedings at Fairfield Plantation”

17b – Thomas Archer – the Eccentric Man from Guilford County, NC Who Ended Up with Warrant #2344

Thomas Archer – an Eccentric Man from Guilford County, NC Who Ended Up With 640 Acres from Military Bounty Land Warrant #2344 This is #3 in a sequence of 3 articles.  You should read the first two articles before reading this one. 1. “Daniel Haston” Rev War Land Grant 2. The “Guilford County Four” &Continue reading “17b – Thomas Archer – the Eccentric Man from Guilford County, NC Who Ended Up with Warrant #2344”