4 – Vollie Belle Haston – Her Death by a 12 Gauge Shotgun

Vollie Belle Haston Raymond – Mysterious Death by a 12 Gauge Pump Shotgun Co-Authors: Becky Hitchcock Harris and Wayne Haston I have learned that there is a lot of information “out there” (be it factual or inaccurate lore) about Vollie Belle Haston’s life and tragic death.  I’d love to hear anything you have heard orContinue reading “4 – Vollie Belle Haston – Her Death by a 12 Gauge Shotgun”

3 – Vollie Belle Haston – Marriage to Clarke Raymond

Vollie Belle Haston’s Marriage to Clarke Raymond Co-Authors: Becky Hitchcock Harris and Wayne Haston I have learned that there is a lot of information “out there” (be it factual or inaccurate lore) about Vollie Belle Haston’s life and tragic death.  I’d love to hear anything you have heard or know about Vollie Belle’s life orContinue reading “3 – Vollie Belle Haston – Marriage to Clarke Raymond”

2 – Vollie Belle’s Marriage to and Divorce from James Hurd Cruise

Vollie Belle’s Marriage to and Divorce from James Hurd Cruise Co-Authors: Becky Hitchcock Harris and Wayne Haston I have learned that there is a lot of information “out there” (be it factual or inaccurate lore) about Vollie Belle Haston’s life and tragic death.  I’d love to hear anything you have heard or know about VollieContinue reading “2 – Vollie Belle’s Marriage to and Divorce from James Hurd Cruise”

1 – Vollie Belle Haston – Her Early Years

Vollie Belle Haston – Her Early Years, From Birth to Marriage Co-Authors: Becky Hitchcock Harris and Wayne Haston I have learned that there is a lot of information “out there” (be it factual or inaccurate lore) about Vollie Belle Haston’s life and tragic death.  I’d love to hear anything you have heard or know aboutContinue reading “1 – Vollie Belle Haston – Her Early Years”