Alfred (Fredy) Hiestand comes from Hiestand family, which is the honorable bakery brand in Europe. He brought advanced production machinery and equipment, technology, management team and his product concept. In the year 1967, Alfred Hiestand established his first bakery in a disused laundry with simple equipment. The small bakery in Zurich, Switzerland evolved over the next 46 years into one of the leading providers of high quality frozen bakery products. Hiestand products are provided to the markets worldwide, Hiestand family opened up the factories in Germany, Switzerland, Malaysia, China, etc. Meanwhile, Alfred Hiestand is respected as “The king of croissant” in Europe.The huge R&D team of Hiestand based in both Germany and Switzerland master the advantage deep frozen technology. Source
Making cookies and pastries must be in Alfred Hiestand’s blood!
From even earlier than the old Roman Empire, forerunners of a Richterswil Wilderness Trust enshrined nicknames for each of the clans that belonged to it, primarily as a way to distinguish them from others of the same name not considered close kin. At the beginning of the 19th Century, a list transcribed by the trust recorded a “Cookiebaker” Hiestand family, the “Blueberry” Bachmanns, and eleven subclans of the prolific “Abraham,” “Childrobber,” “Drummer,” “Fiddler” and “Fleabitten” Stricklers. Some of the names and the families they described had died out by the end of the 20th Century; but some new nicknames had to be coined as families grew and split. -Ross Baughman