2022 (and beyond) - Featuring More of YOUR Families' Stories

We will continue to try to post a variety of stories related to our Daniel Haston family–more history, etc.  But this year we want to begin to hear more of your stories.  All branches of the Haston Family have stories that are worth sharing with our broader family.

Stories for Articles in Our Daniel Haston Family Association Blog

Some of your stories need to be kept alive for ages to come.  They are worthy of being developed into articles with some degree of detail, and photos, so they can be printed and preserved by many members of our Haston Family.

If you will provide the text and photos, we will create the articles and post them.

Some Examples of the Kinds of Stories to Consider - But There are Others

Heroic or Outstanding Military Service

Do you have family members, still living or deceased, who have distinguished themselves for their military service.  I’ll never forget the story about Bud Haston that was posted last year, thanks to help from Chuck Haston (Bud’s nephew).  That story literally brought tears to my eyes, which is unusual for me.  Bud was an army medic in Europe during World War II.  He was killed about a month before the war was over.  Already, we have members of our group who are putting together stories of their family members who, like Bud Haston, served bravely to protect our country.  But we want to share many more.

Last year, we posted an article about a Haston hero from the Mexican American War–a son of Jesse Haston.  It made me proud to say, “He was my relative.”  Our family had many soldiers who participated in the Civil War, for both the south and the north.  They were fighting for what they believed at that time.  We told some of those stories already, but generally just brief accounts.  Other Haston Civil War stories are in the works now.  But, we may not know of the Civil War stories from your family, so please share them with us.

And this year you will learn about one of Daniel Haston’s great-grandsons who was a Congressional Medal of Honor winner.  Very few of us had ever heard about him until recently.  And we are working on a story of a Haston cousin who was an amazing pilot in World War II.  His plane was shot down twice and he spent months in one of the most infamous German POW camps.

Extraordinary Personal or Civic Lives

Last week, more than 300 people visited our Daniel Haston Family Association blog site to read the obituary of Marlin Haston, whose family lived in a two-room shack on a hillside in a hollow of Van Buren County, TN when he was born.  Marlin overcame many challenges to work his way through college and graduate from the University of Tennessee, become a successful businessman, and a very respected community leader.

Many of our Haston relatives have served their communities honorably as elected public officials, attorneys, law officers, prominent businessmen, pastors, and other church leaders, etc.  Those are lives we’d love to hear about, especially when there are unusual or extraordinary stories associated with their service.

Family Researchers who Sought Diligently to Preserve our Family History

One of our first posted articles was about Colonel Howard H. Hasting, who was a West Point graduate and an Army attorney who participated in prosecuting Japanese war criminals of World War II.  Colonel Hasting was proud to be a descendant of Daniel Haston.  He traveled many hundreds of miles (in the 1950s and 60s) over two lane highways to research the history of our Haston family.  There were no duplicating machines in those days.  Long distance phone calls were expensive.  And, of course, there was no Internet and email.  But he produced a remarkable report on the Daniel Haston family.

And there are others whose “shoulders” I proudly stand on as a family researcher.  Dave & Estelle Haston, Louise Haston Rice, Ruth Haston Norwood, Laura Ann Potterf-Coleman, Jane Ritter, Dwight Haston, Joan Moore Gillett, and others quickly come to mind.  I’ll share some of these stories this year.  But you may know others who should be recognized for their research efforts to dig up, preserve, and share, about the Daniel Haston family..

Your Own Personal-Family Photo Gallery

Our Daniel Haston Family Association blog has the capability of creating multiple photo galleries.  If you have a collection of photos, with historical interest to our Haston Family.  PLEASE – let’s create a photo gallery for your family.  Just contact us and let of know what you have and we will work with you to make it happen.  You need to be a member of the Daniel Haston Family Association to create a photo gallery, but that is free and easy.

Contact Us About Creating a Family Image Gallery

Heritage of Daniel Haston Facebook Group Posts

Not all of the stories that are interesting to us are necessarily long-term stories.  These are great for you to post in our Facebook Group or pass along to us for someone on our team to create and post for you.

Outstanding Achievements by Young People in Our Families

One of goals of the Heritage of Daniel Haston Facebook Group is to let our younger generations know that they make us proud when they strive for and attain excellence, particularly when that excellence is recognized by their peers, their schools, coaches, and other leaders.  We also want them to learn about their heritage in this family–a SWISS-German immigrant ancestor who came to America with nothing but honorable character and drive to succeed for the sake of his family AND his son Daniel, a true American pioneer who carved a life for his family out of a Tennessee wilderness.   

Photos and Brief "Snippet" Stories

We all love it when you post old photos of your ancestors–people and places where they lived.  Also, obituaries, recognitions of special achievements, and other information that you think might be of interest to those of us in the Daniel Haston family are welcomed Facebook page posts.  

Please continue to avoid political or denomination-specific religious posts and focus on topics that help to unify us as a Family.

Remember: The DANIEL HASTON FAMILY includes in-laws, wives, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, and others who do not carry the “Haston” (or other variations of the Haston) name.  Some may have been adopted into the family.  But none of that matters–we are all part of one BIG Daniel Haston Family!  

Submit an Idea for a Haston Family Story

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