
Ways You Can Serve in the Daniel Haston Family Association

Choose a Committee or Committees Where You Would Like to Serve

DHFA Core Team Committees
Choose one or more committees in which you might be interested in serving for the Daniel Haston Family Association.
• Preservation of Wayne's extensive digital and hard copy research. • The facilitation of scanning Wayne's paper research to a cloud based format. • The physical preservation of Wayne's notes, research, and collection of historical articles, books, and magazines. • Also, to provide framework and space to accept additional family research from anyone in the association.
• Assist in preservation of Big Fork Cemetery where Daniel is buried. • Recognition of Haston Cemeteries around the U.S. - prepare articles and picture documentation for Facebook/website. • Articles and pictures about historic Haston buildings, businesses, farms, houses, etc. • To document these ancestral lands so that future generations might understand what early Haston pioneers contributed to this country and allow for possible visitations in the future.
• Planning out of the country trips/tours. • Developing programs/projects to foster family history interest in our younger generation.
• Need volunteers to submit articles about different Haston family lines - historical or current • Need to develop a family member/members from each line to be our family reporters. • Development of You Tube devoted to Haston History. • Development of a youth You Tube program.
• Maintaining our Facebook/Social Media sites and everything involved in maintaining a presence on the internet. • Technical expertise in computer technology, especially software. • Development of a youth You Tube program.
• Planning for National reunions requires numerous family members - sites, logistics, food, tours, speakers, available lodging. • Planning for reunions across the United States to increase our exposure to extended family branches. • To promote Haston history to as many descendants as we can find. • To foster a continuing family relationship for the future.
• To ensure that our legal entity is compliant with any changes in State or Federal statutes • Review with a CPA any changes necessitated by future IRS tax rulings.
• This Committee is headed by our own Major General, Max Haston. • To provide guidance and technical knowledge about location family member's service information. • To develop a special recognition portion of our website recognizing the contributions of Hastons who have served our country in any branch of the United States military.
• Maintain updated contact info for all Hastons in the association. • To submit notices for distribution about significant family meetings, online or otherwise. • Prepare minutes of all major meetings for availability to the DHFA Core Team, or in some cases all members of the association.
• Prepare yearly budget for Association to be presented to all membership annually. • To pay the bills approved by Executive Committee. • To maintain checking account for collection of funds to be used for the benefit of our association. • Submit yearly an accounting of funds collected and the disbursement of said funds.
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