
1837-1839 Tax Book - Cane Creek & Caney Fork Civil District

Important Notes:

  • Page numbers are .pdf page numbers from the CD, White Co, TN Deeds.

  • Transcribed spellings may not be accurate in every case, due to the difficulty of reading the original text.

  • If you have information to correct identities of these people or spellings of these names, please contact:

1837 White County, TN Tax List - Cane Creek & Caney Fork Area


Pages 35-37

District 15

Occupant Acreage
Anderson, Jacob242 (+110, school land)
Ballard, William

20 (+ 135, school land)

Baker, (William) Robert 
Brown, Garfield 
Brown, Cornelius D. 
Brown, Robert 
Bryant, Adrian100 (+ 75, school land)
Brown, Tilman 
Bean, Robert50 (+ 250, school land)
Brock, Samuel(50, school land)
Chuck (Cheek?), William25 (+ 65, school land)
Crane, Russell T. 
Crane, Abijah160 (+ 536, school land)
Cummings, W.B.175
Carter, Peter Jr. 
Cummings, Gab. D.135 (+ 105, school land)
Carter, John M. 
Camp, Vardery13 (+ 150, school land)
Camp, John(750, school land)
Cummings, Jo. Jr.240 (+ 142, school land)
Dale, Daniel391 (+ 428, school land)
Dodson, Jesse44
Dodson, William80 (+ 175, school land)
Denton, Elijah Jr.25
Denton, John S.135
Denny, William316 (+ 5148, school land)
Denny, Charles9 (+ 2000, school land)
Dyer, John 
Dotson, Eli heirs of30 (+ 150, school land) by Jo. Cummings Jr. Guardian
Duranse, Nathan(2000, school land)
Dunagan, Absalom(50, school land)
Drake, Isaac55
Fleming, Tho. M.30 (+ 125, school land)
Felton, John81 (+ 50, school land)
Frisby, John 
Felkins, William M. 
Fleming, John(100, school land)
Gillentine, John100 (+ 5000, school land)
Gillentine, J. Guardian to W.T. Carter
Griffin, Wilson 
Gillentine, Terry119 1/2 (+ 50, school land)
Grantham, Nathan 
Gault, William M. 
Goddard, Edmund73 (+ 12 1/2, school land)
Goddard, James80 (+ 10, school land)
Goddard, Sampson30
Graham, Russell 
Graham, William(200, school land)
Gamble, Robert254 (+ 162 1/2, school land)
Grissom, Alexander 
Grissom, William(200, school land)
Hodges, Jonah(501, school land)
Hodges, Edward(300, school land)
Harris, Alexander(200, school land)
Haston, Isham B.(211, school land)
Haston, Willie B.100 (+ 150, school land)
Haston, David M. 
Hopkins, William 
Hopkins, James 
Haston, Thomas C.(74, school land)
Haston, David150 (+ 75, school land)
Hailey, William(284, school land)
Hollingsworth, Daniel245 (+ 70, school land)
Hollingsworth, Moses 
Hollingsworth, Thomas 
Hodge, John 
Hodge, Abner120
Haston, Isaac(100, school land)
Jones, Thomas(37600 ?), school land)
Jones, James(150, school land)
Kenner (?), John 
Kirkland, John50
Keigher (?), Henry(103 1/2, school land)
Kenner, Joseph 
Love, Robert208 (+ 203, school land)
Love, Claiborn S. 
Love, Jacob 
Love, Legrand 
Lawson, Bassel27
Lewis, William 
Lane, Jacob A.(300, school land)
Moss Green H. 
Moore, Samuel M. Sr.(25, school land)
Moore, Samuel Jr. 
Moore, William 
McGuire, John30 (+ 200, school land)
Moore, Edward(12, school land)
Moore, James82 (50, school land)
McCann, Campbell(50, school land)
McCommack, Clayton 
McGloughlin, Elias Jr. 
McGloughlin, Elias Sr.(100, school land)
Mitchell, William S.58 1/2 (+ 277, school land)
Manard, Burrel82 (+ 125, school land)
Malloy, William J. 
Moore, Alexander 
Mitchell, Arthur100 (+ 42, school land)
Mitchell, Spencer255
Mitchell, Joesph G. 
Mitchell, Barnett K. 
Mitchell, Robert L. 
Moore, Thomas85 (+ 107 1/2, school land)
Malloy, James(50, school land)
McBride, James 
McBride, Daniel 
McBride, Jesse 
McGlochling, Martin(75, school land)
Measles, Cader(65, school land)
Mooneyham, Shadrach(64, school land)
Mooneyham, Daniel(100, school land)
Meek, Thomas(200, school land)
McCormick, John B.(5000, school land)
Parker, Andrew K.(5640 ?, school land)
Parker, Samuel(153 1/2, school land)
Parker, Eleanor120 (+ 50, school land)
Prater, William 
Plumlee, Margaret200 (+ 300, school land)
Perry, John 
Parker, John S. 
Peed, Martin 
Reese, Solomon80 (+ 104, school land)
Rollins, George 
Riddle, John W.7 (+ 150, school land)
Roberts, Thomas55
Ritchy, John 
Stipe, Jacob178 1/2 (+ 07 1/2, school land)
Stipe, William 
Scoggin, Jesse85 (+ 25, school land)
Steakley, Christopher43 3/4 (+ 2093, school land)
Steakley, Willis(2000, school land)
Steakley, Charles 
Steakley, Daniel 
Simmons, Zachariah 
Seals, Solomon(91, school land)
Stipe, Thomas158 (+90 1/2, school land)
Shockley, Samuel40 (+741, school land)
Shockley, Josiah Sr.75 (+100, school land)
Stipe, John137
Shockley, William Sr.126 (+62 1/2, school land)
Shockley, Lynch A.(25, school land)
Sparkman, George211 (+ 170, school land)
Simmons, Micajah(700, school land)
Seales, John30 (+ 78, school land)
Seales, Zebidee(50, school land)
Seales, William 
Seals, Zealy 
Seales, James(240, school land)
Sparkman, William 
Shockley, Samuel P.61 (+ 58, school land)
Shockley, William Jr.(50, school land)
Simmons, James800
Sparkman, Bryant87 1/2
Shockley, Isaiah Jr.(50, school land)
Simmons, Francis(40, school land)
Smallman, Grief117
Schoolfield & Carter200
Schoolfield, J.L.100
Staunton, George H.(1000, school land)
Teter, William 
Trogdon, Nathan F.48
Trogdon, Abraham(300, school land)
Turley, Jesse 
Taylor, Asa T. 
Taylor, William D.40 (+ 13, school land)
Tally, Larkin(100, school land)
Land of Turney & Vanlin140
Vaughan, Daniel 
Vest, Willis(200, school land)
Walling, Daniel(14100, school land)
White, John Sr.1
Walker, Micajah(65, school land)
Wellson, Thomas 
Walker, Thomas(100, school land)
Walker, David 
Walker, Joseph 
Ward, William 
Worley, David 
Walling, Thomas(300, school land)
Walling, Thomas(1850, school land)
Walling, John(150, school land)
Yates, John(193, school land)

1838 White County, TN Tax List - Cane Creek & Caney Fork Area


Pages 69-72

District 15

Occupant Acreage
Anderson, Jacob145 (+ 110, school land)
Brian, Andrew

100 (+ 20, school land)

Baker, Robert 
Brock, Samuel(50, school land)
Brock, Nancy22 1/2 (+ 50, school land)
Brown, Cornelius D. 
Brown, Robert 
Bean, Robert50 (+ 250, school land)
Brown, Tilman35 (+ 105, school land)
Camp, Vardery13 (+ 150, school land)
Crain, Russel T. 
Crain, Abijah160 (+ 536, school land)
Cummings, Wm. B.75
Cummings, Gabriel P.135 (+ 105, school land)
Camp, Jehu(2050, school land)
Cummings, Joseph240 (+ 142, school land)
Dodson, William80 (+ 175, school land)
Denny, William Sr.326 (+ 2640, school land)
Dale, Daniel353 (+ 628, school land)
Dodson, Eli heirs of30 (+ 150, school land)
Denny, Charles9 (+ 2213, school land)
Davis, Reuben 
Davis, Jehu(200, school land)
Davis, John 
Denny, Wm. I. (?) 
Denton, Teilessee (?)80 (+ 54, school land)
Denton, John S. 
Durream (?), Nathan(2000, school land)
Eastland, Thomas C. (?)(5000, school land)
Frisby, John 
Fleming, Thomas M.80 (+ 180, school land)
Fletcher, Absalom 
Felkins, William M. 
Felkins, James H. 
Felton, John80 (50, school land)
Fleming, John100
Godard, James30 (100, school land)
Godard, Edmund73 (+ 12 1/2, school land)
Godard, Cachaim (?)80
Grissom, William(100, school land)
Grantham, Nathan 
Grissom, Alexander 
Gillentine, Terry119 1/2 (+ 75, school land)
Gamble, Robert254 (+ 162, school land)
Graham, Russell 
Graham, William(200, school land)
Glenn, Joseph B. 
Gustry (?), Thomas(200, school land)
Gillentine, John100 (+ 5000, school land)
Gillentine, John Guard. to W.T. Carter
Gillentine, Terry    Tax on $744.68 on money in __?__ for shaving 21 1/4 acres (?)
Hollingsworth, Daniel207 (+ 75, school land)
Hollingsworth, Moses 
Hollingsworth, Thos. 
Hodges, Josiah(100, school land)
Hodges, Abner121
Hodges, John 
Hopkins, William 
Haston, David150 (+ 75, school land)
Haston, Thomas C.(70, school land)
Hailey, William 
Hopkins, Isaac 
Hopkins, James 
Haston, Willie B.100 (+ 125, school land)
Haston, Isham B.50 (+ 360, school land)
Haston, David M.C. 
Haston, Isaac(100, school land)
Harris, Alexander(200, school land)
Hoge, Edward(300, school land)
Jones, Thomas(37600 ?, school land)
Jones, George 
Jones, James(150, school land)
Kuhn (?), Henry(103 1/2, school land)
Kirklan, John50
Lawson, Bosley150
Lewis, William 
Love, Robert208 (+ 203, school land)
Love, Claiborn S. 
Love, Legrand 
Love, Jacob 
Manard, Burrel82 (+ 125, school land)
McGlochlin, Martin(75, school land)
McComack, Clayton 
McGlochlin, Elias Sr.(100, school land)
McGlochlin, Elias Jr. 
Mitchell, Arthur100 (+ 42, school land)
McGuire, John(200, school land)
Moore, Edward(12, school land)
Moore, James57 (+ 55, school land)
Moore, Thomas57 (+ 55, school land)
McBride, John80
McBride, Jesse 
McBride, David 
Meek, Thomas(200, school land)
Moore, Samuel W.(25, school land)
Moore, Samuel 
Moore, William 
Moonyham, Shadrach(264, school land)
Moss, Green H. 
Mitchell, Joseph 
Mitchell, Spence225
Mitchell, William L.58 1/2 (+ 327, school land)
Mitchell, Robert S. 
Moonyham, Daniel700
Malloy, James50 (+ 70, school land)
Malloy, (James) Wm. J. 
Measles, Cader(65, school land)
McCormick, John B.(5000, school land)
Mitchell, John(100, school land)
Nichols, Clifton 
Owens, Hezekiah G.(125, school land)
Pettitt (?), William35 (+ 25, school land)
Parker, Samuel(153 1/2, school land)
Prater, William 
Parker, Eleanor159 (+ 113, school land)
Plumlie, Margaret200 (+ 300, school land)
Parker, John S. 
Plumlie, Abraham 
Parker, Andrew K.(5940, school land)
Rickey, John W. 
Reese, Solomon 
Riddles, John W.(150, school land)
Sparkman, Solomon(280, school land)
Sparkman, George110 (+ 68, school land)
Sparkman, Bryant79 3/4
Shockley, Wm. Sr.131 (+ 62 1/2, school land)
Shockley, Lynch A.(25, school land)
Simmons, Zachariah 
Shockley, Isaiah Sr.75 (+ 100, school land)
Shockley, Saml. Sr.40 (+ 3215, school land)
Shockley, Charles P.61 (+ 33, school land)
Stipe, Jacob178 1/2 (+ 4007 1/2, school land)
Stipe, William 
Seals, Solomon(91, school land)
Shockley, Richard(47, school land)
Steakley, Christopher43 (+ 2093, school land)
Steakley, Charles 
Sparkman, William50
Seals, Zebedee(50, school land)
Stipe, John137
Stipe, Thomas158 (+ 90 1/2, school land)
Scoggins, Jesse85 (+ 25, school land)
Steakley, Willie(2428 , school land)
Steakley, Daniel 
Seals, John30 (+ 78, school land)
Seals, James(200, school land)
Seals, William 
Seals, Zealey 
Simmons, James80
Shockley, Ephraim 
Smallman, Grief110
Shockley, Wm. Jr.(50, school land)
Shockley, Isaiah Jr.(50, school land)
Shockley, Saml. Jr. 
Simmons, Micajah(640, school land)
Simmons, Jonathan60
Schoolfield, James A.(100, school land)
Schoolfield, Carter(100, school land)
Sparkman, Lewis(60, school land)
Simpson & Vanlin1400
Teters, William 
Teters, Isham 
Turley, Jesse(295, school land)
Trogdon, Abraham 
Trogdon, Nathan T.48
Talley, Larkin(100, school land)
Vaughn, Daniel 
Vest, Willis(200, school land)
Williamson, Thomas W. 
Walling, Daniel(15100, school land)
Walling, Joseph D.(2500, school land)
Wilson, Thomas 
Walker, David 
Walker, Joseph 
Walker, Thomas 
Walker, Micajah(65, school land)
Waddle, William 
Walling, Thomas(5300, school land)
Walling, John(162 1/2, school land)
Wallis, William(55, school land)
White, John1
Yates, John(193, school land)
York, Uriah640

1839 White County, TN Tax List - Cane Creek & Caney Fork Area


Pages 102-104

District 15

Occupant Acreage
Anderson, Jacob Sr.145 (+ 110, school land)
Anderson, Jacob Jr.


Brown, Robert50
Baker, Robert 
Brown, Tilman85 (+ 105, school land)
Brock, Nancy22 1/2 (+ 50, school land)
Brown, Cornelius D. 
Bryan, Andrew100 (+ 75, school land)
Bean, Robert50 (+ 250, school land)
Ballard, William(150, school land)
Crain, Russel T. 
Camp, Vardery13 (+ 150, school land)
Camp, John(2050, school land)
Cummings, William B.175
Crain, Abijah220 (+ 836, school land)
Cunningham, Edmund(250, school land)
Cummings, Gabriel P.135 (+ 105, school land)
Cummings, Joseph240 (+ 142, school land)
Dale, Daniel5 (+ 30, school land)
Durham, Nathan(2000, school land)
Denny, William 
Dodson, William80 (+ 175, school land)
Davis, Reuben 
Denny, William316 (+ 3328, school land)
Denton, Tedince80 (+ 50, school land)
Denton, John S. 
Dodson, Elizabeth heirs of30 (+ 150, school land)
Eastland, Thomas B.(5000, school land)
Felkins, Wm. M. 
Felkins, Thos. H. 
Felton, John134 (+ 50, school land)
Frisby, John 
Fleming, Thos. M.80 (+ 50, school land)
Fleming, John(100, school land)
Franks, Christian(2400, school land)
Griffith & GoffOne Turnpike Gate at six hundred Dollars.
Goddard, Edmund73 (+ 12 1/2, school land)
Gillentine, Terry(250, school land)
Gustery (?), Thomas(100, school land)
Grantham, Nathan 
Goddard, Catharine80
Grantham, John 
Glenn, Jesse B. 
Gamble, Robert374 (+ 272, school land)
Graham, William(200, school land)
Grissom, Nathan(100, school land)
Gillentine, John100 (+ 5000, school land)
Gillentine, Jno. Guard. 
Hoge, Edward(300, school land)
Haston, Sarah9
Hollinsworth, Daniel245 (+ 50, school land)
Hollinsworth, Moses 
Hollinsworth, Thomas 
Hollinsworth, James 
Haston, Isham B.53 (+ 360, school land)
Haston, David150 (+ 75, school land)
Haston, Thomas C.(70, school land)
Hodges, Abner heirs of115
Hodges, Isaiah(110, school land)
Hodges, John 
Hodges, William 
Hopkins, William 
Hopkins, Isaac 
Hopkins, James 
Haston, David M.C. 
Haston, Willie B.100 (+ 125, school land)
Harris, Alexander(200, school land)
Hailey, William (D. ?) 
Hailey, Wilson (D. ?) 
Holland, Jesse L. 
Haston, Isaac, 
Jones, Thomas(37600, school land)
Johnson, Squire 
Keener, Joseph 
Kughes, Henry(103 1/2, school land)
Kirklan, John50
Love, Robert180 (+ 175, school land)
Love, Claiborn S. 
Love, Legrand 
Love, Jacob 
McGuire, John(200, school land)
Moore, James57 (+ 50, school land)
Moore, Thomas59 1/2 (+ 50, school land)
Moore, Edmund(12, school land)
Mitchell, Robert S.(12, school land)
McBride, John80
Mitchell, Arthur 100 (+ 52, school land)
Mitchell, William L.58 1/2 (+ 277, school land)
Mitchell, Spence225
McGlochlin (?), Elias Sr.(75, school land)
McGlochlin, Elias Jr.(100, school land)
McCormack, Clayton 
Manor, Burrell82 (+ 125, school land)
Mooneyham, Daniel(700, school land)
Malloy, James50 (+ 32, school land)
McCormick, John B.(5000, school land)
Meek, Thomas(200, school land)
McBride, Jesse 
McBride, Daniel 
Mitchell, John(100, school land)
Mayes, Moses30 (+ 100, school land)
Mitchell, Joseph G. 
Moore, Samuel100 (+ 100, school land)
Moore, Samuel W.(25, school land)
Moore, William 
Measles, Cader(205, school land)
Lawson, Bosley27
Lewis, Rhodum 
Nelson, Madison(309, school land)
Nicholas, Clifton 
Owens, Hezekiah G.(125, school land)
Pittett (?), William25 (+ 25, school land)
Plumlie, Margaret200 (+ 300, school land)
Parker, Samuel(+ 146 1/2, school land)
Parker, John S. 
Parker, Andrew K.(4440, school land)
Parker, Eleanor159 (+ 50, school land)
Rollins, George 
Reese, Solomon(65, school land)
Ritchey, John W, 
Randalls, James T. 
Riddles, John W.(207, school land)
Stipe, Thomas158 (+ 90 1/2, school land)
Sparkman, Geo.229 1/2 (+ 68, school land)
Sparkman, Jacob 
Steakley, Charles 
Steakley, Daniel 
Stipe, William 
Sparkman, William 
Seals, Solomon(91, school land)
Shockley, Samuel40 (+ 3000, school land)
Shockley, Isaiah75 (+ 700, school land)
Shockley, Charles P.61 (+ 83, school land)
Shockley, Linch A.(25, school land)
Sparkman, Bryant(280, school land)
Steakley, Christopher43 1/4 (+ 2093, school land)
Shockley, William Sr.131 (+ 62 1/2 , school land)
Seals, James(200, school land)
Shockley, Isaiah Jr.(50, school land)
Shockley, William Jr.(100, school land)
Shockley, Samuel Jr. 
Shockley, Richard(47, school land)
Shockley, Thomas 
Seals, Zelin (?) 
Simmons, Zachariah 
Stipe, John137
Scoggin, Jesse85 (+ 25, school land)
Simmons, James80
Smallman, Grief110
Seals, John30 (+ 78, school land)
Seals, Zebidee(50, school land)
Seals, William 
Steakley, Willie(2428, school land)
Schoolfield, James L.(100, school land)
Schoolfied, Carter(100, school land)
Stipe, Jacob178 1/2 (+ 607 1/2, school land)
Simmons, Micajah60 (+ 500, school land)
Simpson & Nanlin140
Teters, William 
Teters, Isham 
Turley, Jesse(795, school land)
Talley, Larkin(100, school land)
Trogdon, Abraham 
Vest, Willis(200, school land)
Vaughn, Daniel 
Williamson, Thomas M.(100, school land)
White, John1
Walker, David 
Wilson, Thomas 
Walling, Daniel(15100, school land)
Walling, Joseph D.(2500, school land)
Walling, Thomas(5300, school land)
Walling, John(162 1/2, school land)
Ward, William 
Wallis, William55 (+ 100, school land)
Waddle, William 
Walker, Micajah(65, school land)
Yates, Eli 
Yates, John(193, school land)
York, Uriah(7640, school land)
Young, James 

1840 Cane Creek & Caney Fork Area


White County District 15 Absorbed into the New Van Buren County, TN

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