06 – The Journey from Ibersheim to America

06 - The Journey from Ibersheim to America

Source: http://olivetreegenealogy.blogspot.com/

In early 1727, Henrich Hiestand probably boarded a barge in Worms, much like the one above, saying a “forever” goodbye to his Ibersheim family.

Of the Mennonites who emigrated from the Rhine lands, “only a small proportion—roughly 10 percent—journeyed overseas.  The vast majority relocated in eastern Europe.”[i]  Think about that—if Henrich Hiestand had gone east, instead of west to America, our Hiestand/Haston family might have been Prussians, Hungarians, Polish, or Russians!  But, fortunately for us, the lure of America drew him to Pennsylvania.

[i] Marianne S. Wokeck, Trade in Strangers: The Beginnings of Mass Migration to North America. (Philadelphia: The Pennsylvania State University, 1999), 8.

Henrich Hiestand was one of those immigrants from the Rhineland who disembarked in Philadelphia.  But we do not know what ship he traveled on or exactly when it arrived in the colony of Pennsylvania.  Nor do we know any other details regarding his journey to America, other than he left Europe, he survived the Atlantic passage, and he made it to America.  And here we are!

Reasons for Emigration

There were several compelling reasons why a person, especially a Mennonite, living in the Palatinate in the late 1600s to the mid-1700s would choose America over his or her relatively-recent German homeland.  Most Palatine emigrants were probably motivated by some combination of the following reasons. 

Political Peace and Stability

It is little wonder that some historians have referred to the Palatinate of the 18th century as “the Land of Wars.”[i]  Why did Rhinelanders flee the Palatinate during these years?  Perhaps a better question is why would any of them remain there, if given an opportunity to leave?

[i] Charles R. Haller, Across the Atlantic and Beyond: The Migration of German and Swiss Immigrants to America. (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2008), 219.

Economic Prosperity

If political instability and war were the “push” behind the waves of Mennonite emigration from Europe, the “pull” was the promise, or at least hope, of economic prosperity.  Many of the industrious, but often impoverished, Mennonites were lured away to America in search of land, freedom from severe taxes, and an overall hope of living a financially secure life.

And available land for Mennonites in the Palatinate was becoming more and more scarce.  By the time our Henrich Hiestand became an adult, his only hope for sufficient land to support a family was to move far away.  The tenant land his grandfather inherited had already been subdivided several times to provide farmland for his father, uncles, and perhaps older brothers.  

Religious Freedom

Many Mennonites left Europe for America, at least partially, because of religious persecution.  Even though the types and degrees of persecution they experienced in the Palatinate were light compared to what they had endured in Switzerland, the religious toleration for Mennonites of the Palatinate was always limited.  They were forced to pay “protection fees” and lived under constraints not applied to Catholics, Calvinists, or members of the Reformed Church.  And the rules and limits of toleration changed, often for worse, with the empowerment of new rulers.  

William Penn had personally visited the Palatinate, probably even to the village of Ibersheim, with promises of true religious freedom in Penns Woods (Pennsylvania), the American colony his father had received as a grant from King Charles II of England.  

The Emigration Route to America

For the Rhinelanders headed to America, including our Henrich Hiestand, the journey from Ibersheim and other villages of the Palatinate was comprised of three phases.

Phase 1: Down the Rhine River to Rotterdam in Holland

Modern View of the Rhine River. Our ancestors traveled on crude barges. (Source: https://www.bikeplanet.tours/)

The Rhine River has been called the “River of Destiny.”[i]  Hundreds of thousands of Swiss and Germans sought their destinies by floating down the Rhine on barges, from the mid-17th century until the mid-19th century. 

[i] Charles R. Haller, Across the Atlantic and Beyond: The Migration of German and Swiss Immigrants to America, 239.

Under good river conditions, the trip down the Rhine from Ibersheim to Rotterdam (approximately 375 miles or 600 km) could have taken only six or seven days of actual floating time, at about 2 ½ miles per hour.  But there were many toll stations (associated with toll castles) along the way.  Maybe as many two dozen or more toll stations were active in the early 1700s, from Worms to Rotterdam. [i]  The toll castles belonged to territorial lords or to their authorized vassals.   

[i] Charles R. Haller, Across the Atlantic and Beyond: The Migration of German and Swiss Immigrants to America, 242-245.Ibersheim

In addition to collecting tolls and searching the barges, the stops also delayed boats long enough to encourage (or coerce) passengers to spend money with the merchants of the castle.   Consequently, toll station stops probably extended the river trip from Worms to Rotterdam from taking a few days to taking a few weeks, perhaps a month or so.[i]

[i] Ralph Beaver Strassburger, Pennsylvania German Pioneers, xxxiii.

Phase 2: Across the North Sea and English Channel to an English Port

Prior to 1783, ships sailing through the English Channel were required by British navigation laws to stop in one of several English ports.  Only British-owned and operated ships were allowed to engage in business with the British colonies.[i]  There were multiple English ports, including London, from which European ships set sail. 

But, after the earlier phases of emigration, the most popular port for these journeys was the port of Cowes on the northern coast of the Isle of Wight.  One hundred and forty-two ships are recorded as having sailed from Rotterdam to Cowes.[ii] 

[i] Charles R. Haller, Across the Atlantic and Beyond: The Migration of German and Swiss Immigrants to America, 239.

[ii] Ralph Beaver Strassburger and William John Hinke, Pennsylvania German Pioneers, Volume I, 1727-1775, (1934 reprint; Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1966), xxxiv.

Phase 3: The Trans-Atlantic Journey

Most passenger ships sailed across the Atlantic in the mid-year season of late spring through early autumn, May through October.  If the weather and wind conditions were favorable, the journey could have taken as few as seven weeks, but eight to twelve weeks were more common.  Occasionally, extreme weather would blow a ship off course and the trip would be even longer.


Much has been written about the conditions that existed on these ships.  In some cases, the journey was relatively easy when weather was favorable and the ship’s captain and crew were decent people.  But many of these voyages were nightmarish.  


The Atlantic nightmares began when greedy ship captains overloaded their ships, packing passengers in sleeping quarters so tightly that they were barely able to move.  Often there was no room left for personal belongings and passengers were forced to leave their trunks of family heirlooms behind. 

Living conditions on many of the ships were deplorable:

  • Passenger ships were packed well beyond comfortable space.  Bunk space was commonly limited to six feet long and one one-half feet wide with very limited vertical space.
  • Food quantities were limited and when the journey took longer than expected, the amount of food was rationed to such small amounts that passengers were constantly hungry and some of them starved to death.
  • Food quality, which was never good from day one on the ships, only worsened throughout the voyage.  For example, biscuits became dirty, hard and crusty, and infested with worms.  Meat, even though heavily salted, spoiled.  In some cases, passengers were forced to resort to eating mice and rats.
  • Drinking water was limited, sometimes becoming dark and thick and full of worms.  Often passengers died of typhoid fever from drinking the water.
  • Lice infestations abounded, to the point that lice were sometimes so thick on the bodies of people that they were scraped off in swarms.
  • Extreme temperatures, both heat and cold, took the lives of many passengers.
  • There were no provisions for sanitation, so filth and stench from vomiting, sweat, urine and feces was unimaginable. 
  • Sometimes gales lasted for two or three days and nights and passengers tumbled over each other, both the sick and the well.
  • Impatience mounted and passengers cursed and fought each other, even their own loved ones.
  • Cheating and theft were commonplace.
  • Children and the elderly were often the first to die.  Many parents watched their children die and their bodies cast into the ocean.
  • Overall, the mortality rates on some of these ships were incredible.

There is no known record of which ship carried Henrich Hiestand to America or any extant reports of his experiences en route to Pennsylvania.  Whether he was one of the more fortunate travelers or one of the miserable survivors of a horrendous trip, we do not know.  IF he made it to America in 1727, prior to September 14, 1727 (when ships’ passenger lists were kept), then his early arrival in the shipping season would seem to indicate that the conditions of his journey might have been more favorable than most unless he traveled in the first few months of the year.  Fortunately for Henrich Hiestand and those of us who have descended from him, he did survive the trans-Atlantic passage. 

Arrival in Philadelphia

It was an exciting and joyous time, when a ship with German immigrants entered the Philadelphia harbor, but their drama was not over.  The authority for de-boarding was vested in Philadelphia health officials, as well as the captain of the ship. 

Passengers had to settle their debts with the ship’s captain.  If they could afford to pay, they were allowed to leave the ship as soon as their financial obligations were settled with the captain.  But many of them were unable to make the necessary payment.  Even if they did leave their homes with money, often their funds were depleted by the time they paid all of the customs fees and other expenses associated with the various required landings and delays from home to the Atlantic. 

Once researcher estimates that about half of the German-speaking immigrants were compelled to sell their services for several years as servants to wealthy masters in order to be released (into the custody of the master) from their ships.[i]  These indentured servants became known as “redemptioners” because they had to work to redeem their freedom. 

[i] Aaron Spencer Fogleman, Hopeful Journeys. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, Press, 1996), 73.

In the next article, you will learn about our Henrich Hiestand’s early years in America.

Mennonites Come to America

Old (1979) Video

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05a – Our Hiestands (Heystandts) – Refugees on the North Sea

05a - Our Hiestands (Heystandts) - Refugees in Friedrichstadt on the North Sea

“Heystandt” was the way the Hollander-Dutch spelled our Hiestand name.

The Nine Years War or the War of the Grand Alliance

In 1689 Ibersheim and the entire Palatinate again became a hot war zone.  Five years after hereditary tenant rights were granted to the ten Mennonite families, French troops of Louis XIV invaded the Palatinate in 1688, launching the Nine Years War or the War of the Grand Alliance. 

Mennonites from Ibersheim and many other villages in the Rhineland were forced to seek refuge away from homes they had expended a great deal of effort to build and farms they had labored hard to reclaim from the devastation of the previous war.  Most, if not all, of them fled the area and some became refugees in the Netherlands. 

Hans Jacob Hiestand led a group of Palatine Mennonites to join a Dutch community in Friedrichstadt on the North Sea.  There they were able to rent farms and enjoy a fair measure of religious tolerance.  The parents of our Henrich Hiestand were very probably in this group.

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05 – Where Henrich Hiestand Was Born – Ibersheim, Germany

05 - Ibersheim, Germany

German Home-Village of Our Hiestands


The village of Ibersheim (pronounced, Ibers-heim [“ib” as in “crib”]) is situated on what historically was an unprotected floodplain on the left bank (west side of) the Rhine River, just below (north of) a sharp northeastward bend in the river, about six miles (12 km) northeast of the center of Worms, Germany.  In earlier years, sometimes it was referred to as Ibersheimer Hof (farmstead). 

When the Swiss Mennonites entered the Palatinate after the Thirty Years War, most of them settled in villages.  Not only was there a greater chance of freedom from oppression in the villages, as compared to the cities, but the villages were where their superb farming and viticulture skills were needed.  If the post-war Palatinate was going to be restored, it would need to begin with the farms and the vineyards.  And no group was better prepared for that task than the Swiss Brethren who, for more than 100 years, had been forced to eke out a farm living on shallow-soil of small and steep-mountain farms, high in the Swiss Alps. 

There were many villages in the Rhineland where they were needed and welcomed.  But the village of Ibersheim (or Ibersheimerhof, as it was then called) stands out as a Palatinate village that became identified as a uniquely Swiss Mennonite community.

By 1672, it was already nicknamed “the Mennonistenhof,”[i] meaning “Mennonite Estate.”  It has been said that “of all the Mennonites worldwide, around 10% originate in this region.”[ii]

[i] John L. Ruth, Maintaining the Right Fellowship, 43.

[ii] Wikipedia contributors, “Ibersheim,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, accessed October 14, 2017, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibersheim.

1618-1648 Ibersheim in the Thirty Years War

As the previous article indicated, the area of the Palatinate in and around Ibersheim was laid desolate during the Thirty Years War.  Many residents of the region were slaughtered by the various armies that plundered the Rhine Valley and other inhabitants were forced to flee.

The former medieval parish village of Ibersheim and its surrounding fields was a ruined farm when the Thirty Years War ended.  And there were no tenants to work the farm, much less a system of management.  The farm included 2,000 acres, including five islands in the Rhine and Meadows on the east of the Rhine.[i]  But, this rich flood plain farm land lay desolate. 

[i] Gudrun, “Mennonites (Baptists) on the Ibersheimer Hof am Rhein Near Worms in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany,” trans. Google Translate, Mennonien in Deutschland (blog), December 4, 2013, accessed October 13, 2017, http://happlogruppeu5europa.blogspot.com/2013/12/mennoniten-in-ibersheim-auf-dem.html.

Meanwhile, Swiss Mennonite refugees started trickling into Ibersheim in the 1650s. 

In 1661, “the people of Ibersheim got a special permit to be public subjects of the Electoral Palatinate,” and the Elector sent this message to officials in his administration regarding these Mennonite tenants: 

They should not be worried or harmed by us and our subjects because of their religion, but they are not allowed to hold public or secret meetings and conventions with others, who are not living in this court (farmstead) and they are not allowed to draw others near to them and to seduce them.[i] 

[i] “Mennonites at Ibersheim, Germany,” 84.

Two of the earliest Swiss Anabaptist refugees to settle in Ibersheim were Konrad and Kleiann Hiestand, brother and sister.  They were grandchildren of Heinrich and Anna Lutholt Hiestand from Richterswil in Canton Zürich, where Anna was on record as being an Anabaptist.  Konrad and Kleiann, who apparently had adopted their grandmother’s faith, left their Swiss home in 1657.  Kleiann married Jacob Brubacher, a neighbor she probably grew up with in Richterswil.  She and Jacob lived next door to Konrad’s family in Ibersheim.[i]   

[i] J. Ross Baughman, Apart from this World. (Edinburgh, VA: Shenandoah History Publishers, 1997), 72.

In 1683, nineteen years after the 1664 Concession, ten Mennonite men, who were heads of families in Ibersheim, were granted extraordinary rights not enjoyed elsewhere in the Palatinate.  They were granted rights to be “hereditary tenants.”  That meant they could pass on to their sons the tenant-rights they enjoyed for portions of the Ibersheim estate they were living on.  Konrad Hiestand was one of the specially privileged ten. 

  • Brubacher, Hans Jacob – from Hirzel, Horgen, in Canton Zürich
  • Dentlinger, Jacob – from Bernese Oberland (Highlands)
  • Forrer, Hans Jacob – from Hirzel, Horgen, Zürich
  • Gochenauer, Heinrich – from Fischenthal, Hinwil, Zürich
  • Hagmann, Ulrich – from Eidberg, Oberwinterthur, Zürich
  • Hiestand, Konrad – from Richterswil, Horgen, Zürich
  • Leitweiler, Hans – from Aarau, Aargau, and Zürich
  • Neff, Heinrich – from Vollenweid, Hausen, Zürich
  • Opmann, Peter – from Oberdiessbach, Bern-Mittelland
  • Reif, Heinrich – from Schönenberg, Horgen, Zürich

In 1685 Conrad Hiestandt, of Ibersheim, had five children and two stepchildren.  There was a Hennrich Hiestandt in Ibersheim who had ten children.

1693-1698, Refuge in Friedrichstadt on the North Sea

Friedrichstadt is located in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany’s northernmost state.

In 1689 Ibersheim and the entire Palatinate again became a hot war zone.  Five years after hereditary tenant rights were granted to the ten Mennonite families, French troops of Louis XIV invaded the Palatinate in 1688, launching the Nine Years War or the War of the Grand Alliance. 

Mennonites from Ibersheim and many other villages in the Rhineland were forced to seek refuge away from homes they had expended a great deal of effort to build and farms they had labored hard to reclaim from the devastation of the previous war.  Most, if not all, of them fled the area and some became refugees in the Netherlands. 

On June 18, 1690 “the ministers and elders in the Palatinate” wrote two nearly identical letters to Mennonites in Holland, asking for advice:

Since because of the destructive war here in the country, great ruin and damage has taken place, so that many people will have to leave the country because of lack of bread; and considering that a heartfelt comfort has been promised to us from you as our dear brethren, on the advice of ministers and elders, we have commissioned these men as fellow ministers and elders to make a journey to you people, namely Jonas Lohrer, Johan Schumacher, and Christian Plein, to consult with you about where each of us who cannot remain here in the country might be able to go to earn his bread.[i] 

[i] Jeremy Dupertuis Bangs, Letters on Toleration, 352.

Hans Jacob Hiestand was one of the 15 Mennonite church leaders who signed these letters.  On the advice of Mennonite leaders from Holland, three and a half years later Hans Jacob Hiestand led a group of Palatine Mennonites to join a Dutch community in Friedrichstadt on the North Sea.  There they were able to rent farms and enjoy a fair measure of religious tolerance.

In addition to a couple of Hiestand families and one single Hiestand woman, the October 13, 1693 group included other individuals or families known to have been connected to the Hiestands. 

Hanss Jacob Hestand, minister, with wife and child
Hanss Gochenauwer with wife and siblings
Hanss Jacob Bropacher (Brubacher) with wife and child
Hanss Strickler with wife
Hanss Cunrad Strickler
Jacob Strickler
Josep Gochenauwer
Hanss Jacob Forer
Hanss Heindrich Hestand
Maria Hestands
Maria Gochenauwer
Feronicka Gochenauwer
Barbera Mallinger
Jonas Melinger, brother of former, not yet a member of congregation[i]

[i] Sem C. Sutter, “Palatine Mennonites in Schleswig-Holstein, 1693-1698,” 19.

You can download this entire article from the next blog post (05a).
Mennonite Church in Friedrichstadt
Friedrchstadt Canal to North Sea

Return to Ibersheim

When the Treaty of Ryswick ended the War of the Grand Alliance (Nine Years War) on September 20, 1697, the Palatine refugees in Friedrichstadt must have been eager to return home, after four years in exile.  “A church letter signed April 9, 1698 (Old Style) by the ‘ministers, elders, and deacons of the so-called United Flemish, Frisian, and High German Mennonite congregation’ of the Netherlands lists twenty members leaving Friedrichstadt for the Palatinate.”  Among this group, were:

Hans Jakob Heÿstandt and his wife (Antie Beyers, married April 29, 1694)
Henderich Heÿstandt and his wife (Barbara Mellingers, married November 25, 1694)
Hanns Henderik Heÿstandt and his wife (Maria Gognouwers, married February 20, 1698)
Josep Kognauwer and his sisters, Leÿsbet and Katrÿna
Hanss Strechler and his wife, Antie[i]

The “Heÿstandt” spelling emerged because the main dialect of German the people spoke there was from the Netherlands.

[i] Sem C. Sutter, “Palatine Mennonites in Schleswig-Holstein, 1693-1698,” 19-20.

It is likely, that Jakob Heÿstandt or Henderich Heÿstandt or Hanns Henderik Heÿstandt was the father of our immigrant ancestor, Henrich Hiestand who was born in 1704.  In a later chapter, we will consider the evidence we currently have to determine the most probable parents of our Henrich. 

Hiestand Home in Ibersheim for 200+ Years

On a June 2018 tour visit to Ibersheim, our guide, himself a Hiestand descendant, showed us buildings that Hiestands lived in many years ago.

Mennonite Church in Ibersheim

Mennonite Church in Ibersheim

The original structure of the current church in Ibersheim was constructed in 1836 on the site of the old original meetinghouse.  Even before the new building was erected, in 1822 the Ibersheim congregation purchased an organ, a new addition to their worship services.  On February 11, 1866 two new bells were dedicated by the Ibersheim church, still the only Mennonite church in southern Germany to have a bell tower.  In 1891, the church was incorporated.  It is the only church in the village.[i]

[i] Abraham Braun, “Ibersheim (Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany).”

A "Walking Tour" Through Ibersheim

I have ordered copies of this beautiful booklet from the author in Germany–to make them available for a donation of any size to the Daniel Haston Family Association.


The booklet is composed of 29 beautiful pages of photos and text to help you know more about the little village of Ibersheim where Daniel Hiestand/Haston’s father was born and grew up.  It’s a little book that you will want to read and preserve as a keepsake.


The booklets cost me $5.00 each.  For any donation to the Daniel Haston Family Association, I will send you a copy with postage paid. (as long as I have them)

You can pay by check (made out to Wayne Haston) or cash and mail to:

Wayne Haston, 702 Winebary Circle, Lewisberry, PA 17339 – or PayPal (WayneH37@aol.com). 

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04 – Swiss Anabaptists Flee to the Germany

04 - Our Swiss Ancestors Flee to Germany

(Source: artuk.org) The Thirty Years War (1618-1648) Paves the Way for Swiss Anabaptists to Find New Homes

Almost as soon as the Swiss Brethren (Anabaptists/Mennonites) began to teach and practice the Biblical principles they were learning from studying the New Testament (1525 A.D. and following), they encountered intense persecution from the Swiss government and the State (Reformed) Church of Switzerland. Men and women who associated with them were beaten, tortured, and imprisoned in dark, cold, damp dungeons and castle rooms. Many were executed by drowning or were burned at the stake. Many others died while in prison. Those who survived had their properties confiscated and were banished from Switzerland.

Their most convenient escape route from Switzerland was down the Rhine River to any place in Europe that would tolerate them.

Source: CruiseExperts.com

Our Hiestand ancestors were among these sincere believers who were harshly treated and banished from their homeland because of their faith and allegiance to the simple teachings of the Bible.

Going down the Rhine River, many of the fleeing Swiss Mennonites stopped at Strasbourg, the capital of the French region Alsace.  


On the western (left) banks of the Rhine in eastern France, Alsace was a German-speaking area because its ownership and control shifted back and forth between the nation of France and German states.  In the early years of the Anabaptist movement, French authorities in Alsace were somewhat sympathetic to Anabaptists who were fleeing from Switzerland and other parts of Europe where they were suffering intense persecutions.  Strasbourg became a major hub for Anabaptism, for several decades.  It has been estimated that 2,000 Anabaptists were in Strasbourg in 1534, but that number likely was diminished by later persecution.  

The Palatinate

Further down the Rhine, the region known as the Palatinate [pronounced] also welcomed many of the Mennonites who sought refuge there.  In the following article, I will say more about the Palatinate.  But first, you need to know the historical context that made the Palatinate ripe for Mennonite settlements, including members of our Hiestand family.

The Thirty Years War (1618-1648)

(Source: Mark Beerdom, Pinterest) Armies pillaged villages of the Palatinate

From 1618-1648, western Europe was engaged in the “Thirty Years War”—a religious war that developed into a struggle for political power in Europe. The Palatinate was a very fertile region on both sides of the Rhine River in what is now Southwest Germany. It was centrally located between the main powers fighting in the war; thus it became the crossroads of warring armies and the site of many battles. As a result, the Palatinate was pillaged. Many of the (farming) inhabitants there were killed, starved, died of diseases spread by marauding armies, or fled to escape all of the above. When the Thirty Years War ended in 1648, the Elector Palatine (regional leader) welcomed the Mennonites to settle there in order to restore the farms that had become wastelands.  Their reputation as excellent farmers (which continues even today) was their ticket to finding places of refuge in the rich soil of the war-torn Rhineland.

That’s how the Swiss Brethren (Anabaptists/Mennonites) became residents of what we now call southwest Germany. They enjoyed more freedom there than they had in Switzerland, but their freedom was still quite limited as you shall see in the next article.

But peace in the Palatinate did not last long until another devastating war occurred in Europe, with the Rhineland of the Palatinate as a central battle zone.

War of the Grand Alliance (1688-1697)

The Nine Years War

(Source: Commons.wikimedia.org) War of the Grand Alliance (1688-1697) forced the Anabaptists to flee the Palatinate

Just as the Swiss Mennonite refugees were getting comfortably settled in the Palatinate and the farmlands had been restored to enviable productivity, France incited another war with a coalition of European nations.   

The War of the Grand Alliance (1688-1697)forced most of them to flee the Palatinate. Some returned to their homes on the Rhine River after that war, but some never returned. There are still Hiestands (very distant relatives of our family) that still live along the Rhine where their ancestors fled to in the 1500s or 1600s.
In the next article I will tell you about one special little village along the Rhine where our Daniel Haston’s father (Henrich/Henry Hiestand) grew up.  And we will see exactly where Henrich’s parents temporarily located in order to avoid being civilian casualties on the battlefield of the War of the Grand Alliance, the so-called Nine Years War.

Overview of Anabaptist History

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Baughman Maps and Images

J. Ross Baughman's Maps and Images

Just one of 85 pages of maps and images from J. Ross Baughman's Books - Many or most of which Ross drew himself

Eighty-five Maps and Illustrations from the Origins of Swiss & Anabaptist Migrants: Collection of maps created by J. Ross Baughman for (and included in) his series of Swiss-American historical books.  (34.5 MB)

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01-19-2021 Our Swiss Roots with Ross Baughman

Our Hiestand (Canton Zurich) Swiss Roots

Video of the January 19, 2021 “Swiss Roots of the Hiestand/Haston Family” Zoom discussion with J. Ross Baughman as the expert guest. The full two hours of the meeting, focusing on the area south of the Zurich Sea where our Hiestand ancestors came from, with information on their participation in the Anabaptist/Mennonite “radical revolution.”

If you enjoyed this video, please share it with others who might be interested.


Apart From This World

Free Book About Our Swiss Mennonite Roots:

Apart From This World

The Account of the Origins and Destinies of Various Swiss Mennonites

Apart From The World: Ross Baughman, author.  An account of the origins and destinies of various Swiss Mennonites who fled from their homelands in remote parts of Cantons Zurich, Aargau, and Bern – 1997; 237 pages. (82.0 MB)

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03 – Our Mennonite Roots

03 - What Do You Know About Our Mennonite Roots?

Image from Christianity.com

Rev. Samuel Hiestand's parents, grandparents, and several generations before were all Mennonites.

This Samuel Hiestand was our Daniel Haston’s nephew, son of Daniel’s oldest brother Jacob.

Huldrych (Ulrich) Zwingli

You know about Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation in Germany, but you may not know about Ulrich Zwingli, the Protestant Reformer in Switzerland, a contemporary with Luther.

Like Luther, Zwingli was a Catholic priest who began to study the New Testament in its original language of Greek and wanted to return the Church to the way it was in New Testament times. 

Each of these reformers espoused some of his own unique teachings, but there were some major reformation doctrines on which they all agreed:

  • Sola Scripture (by Scripture alone) – The final authority for Christian faith and life is the Bible, not the non-biblical teachings of the Church.
  • Sola Fide (by faith alone) and Sola Gratia (by grace alone) – We are justified before God by “grace through faith and that not of ourselves, it is a gift of God.” (Ephesians 2:8)
  • Priesthood of all true believers – Jesus is the only true mediator or priest between us and God the Father.

Zwingli's Students Disappointed with Him

But some of Zwingli’s students, Conrad Grebel, Felix Manz, and others thought that Zwingli wasn’t going far enough–especially since he still insisted that infants must be baptized for their salvation. And, Zwingli still believed that the State (ruling government) should control churches and force them to attend the official State Church. Grebel, Manz, and others in this group of young bright Greek and Hebrew scholars also opposed such things as the Catholic doctrine of mass, the sale of indulgences, celibacy of priests, the doctrine of purgatory, and images in the church building which Zwingli wasn’t willing to give up because of political pressures from the City Council of Zurich.

Conrad Grebel - son of a Zürich City Councilman
Feliz Manz - illegitimate son of a Catholic priest

By January 1525, a former Catholic priest Jörg Cajakob (who became known as George Blaurock) had joined Grebel and Manz in Zürich.  Blaurock came from his home canton in southeastern Switzerland, and took up their cause with great, and even sometimes reckless, zeal.

George Blaurock - former Catholic priest

These gifted young intellectuals were attracted to Zwingli and his study of the Greek New Testament, Greek being the original language in which the New Testament was written. 

By 1522 these young men had become zealous for reforming the Catholic Church, just as much as Zwingli was, but they desired to be more fully consistent with the teachings of the New Testament. 

In October of 1523, in the second of two disputations in Zürich between leaders of the reformed movement and the Roman church, Zwingli chose to leave it up to the city magistrates of Zürich to decide when to discontinue the Roman practice of mass, in favor of a simple memorial of death of Jesus.  Grebel, Manz, and others from Zwingli’s group of New Testament students were greatly disappointed—even outraged—that Zwingli appealed to the authority of the Council rather than obeying the authority of Scripture.  

Zwingli’s attempts to calm his former disciples failed and a disputation was scheduled for Zürich in January 1525 to try to settle the differences between Zwingli and Grebel, Manz, and their friends.  The Council proclaimed Zwingli to be the winner of the dispute and gave the young radicals three options: 1. conform, 2. leave Zürich, or 3. face imprisonment.

Then on the night of January 21, 1525 these young radicals took a very radical step in extending the reformation to its next level of consistency with the New Testament.  In a prayer meeting involving 15 men in the home of Felix Manz’s mother in the city of Zürich, George Blaurock

…stood up and besought Conrad Grebel for God’s sake to baptize him with the true Christian baptism upon his faith and knowledge.  And when he knelt down with such a request and desire, Conrad baptized him, since at that time there was no ordained minister to perform such a work.


After his baptism at the hands of Grebel, Blaurock proceeded to baptize all the others present.  The newly baptized then pledged themselves as true disciples of Christ to live lives separated from the world and to teach the gospel and hold the faith.[i]

From this time forward, adult baptism based upon a confession of faith in Jesus Christ became the central tenet of faith for the people known as Anabaptists (re-baptizers).  When these Anabaptists began to baptize other adult believers in the villages of Zürich and refuse to have their own children baptized as infants, Zwingli and the Zürich Council responded with harsh persecution.  To the Catholic Church and the Zwinglians, failure to baptize an infant was a serious offense because the salvation of the infant’s soul depended on it, in their thinking.  Also, refusal to do so was civil disobedience—rebellion against the State.  
[i] William R. Estep, The Anabaptist Story (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1975), 14.

The names “Swiss Brethren,” “Anabaptists,” and “Mennonites” are all used interchangeably in many articles and books dealing with the history of this group of religious non-conformists.  But, technically speaking while the three names all refer to the same religious sect, each name had a distinct origin.  Generally, today we refer to them as Mennonites.  

Anabaptists in Richterswil and Wädenswil​

Apparently, Richterswil and Wädenswil became a hotbed of Anabaptism sometime early in the movement.  Ten years after Blaurock baptized Grebel and the movement was launched, “a Zürich report in 1535 observed that Anabaptists were increasing in numbers and preaching at ‘Wädenswil and all along the lake.'”[i]  The area south of Lake Zürich became known as “The Mennonite Cradle in Zürich.”  
[i] Harold S. Bender, “Zürich (Switzerland).”

We do know that the Hiestand clan was one of the largest and more prominent families in Richterswil[i] and probably also in Wädenswil, but we do not know for sure how much they were affected in the 1500s by the Anabaptist contagion.  But, during the 1600s Hiestands definitely became an integral part of the Anabaptist movement.

[i] J. Ross Baughman, Apart from the World, 45.

300 Years of Persecution Begins

Unfortunately for the early Swiss Brethren, Conrad Grebel, often called the “Father of the Anabaptists,” died of the plague at the age of 28, within 20 months following the origin of the movement.  Felix Manz became the first martyr for the Anabaptist cause.  Because he was a citizen of Zürich, Manz was executed by drowning on January 5, 1527 in icy waters of the Limmat River in the city of Zürich.  To the Swiss authorities, execution by drowning was the “third baptism”—a mockery of Anabaptists’ re-baptisms. 

Martyrdom of Felix Manz

The people of Zurich crowded along both sides of the Limmat to follow the macabre scene playing out in the middle of the river. Felix Manz, his hands and feet bound, crouched down on the deck of the fisherman’s cottage and sang a full-throated rendition of the psalm “Into thine hand I commit my spirit.”

On the same day Manz was martyred, Blaurock who was not a Zürich citizen, was mercilessly beaten in Zürich and expelled from that city and canton.  On September 6, 1529, Blaurock was burned at the stake in what is now northern Italy.  Many other Anabaptists suffered horrendous physical torture, suffered long or died in prisons, were executed, or were forced to abandon their property and be exiled from their Swiss homeland.  That was just the beginning—the beginning of nearly 300 years of persecutions for Anabaptists in Switzerland.

The deaths and exiles of its early leaders certainly subdued the Anabaptist movement, especially in the city of Zürich, but the flame was not extinguished.  The fires of Anabaptism spread from Zürich to other cantons of Switzerland, such as Bern, as well as other parts of Europe.  And although the fire smoldered in the city of Zürich, it began to ignite in many of the villages within Canton Zürich, especially on the northeast of Lake Zürich around Grebel’s boyhood home, Grüningen, where he evangelized house-to-house for four months while avoiding the city of Zürich.[i]  “By 1727 there were thirty-eight congregations in the canton of Zürich alone.”[ii]

[i] William R. Estep, The Anabaptist Story, 39.

[ii] C. Henry Smith, The Mennonite Immigration to Pennsylvania. (Norristown, PA: Norristown Press, 1929), 14.

In the next article, we will see that eventually (almost) all Anabaptists were forced to flee Switzerland.  Some (but not all) Hiestand families were among the refugees who left all to follow Jesus according to their Christian convictions.

The Anabaptists

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Lake Beneath the Crescent Moon

FREE Book About Our Swiss Homeland

A Lake Beneath the Crescent Moon: Some of the history, legends and folkart from around Zurich ranging from prehistoric times through the 18th Century, along with the families thereabout named Bachman, Hiestand, Ringger & Strickler – 2000; 265 pages.  (28.6 MB)

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02 – Hastons Rooted in Switzerland

02 - Our Haston Roots are in Switzerland

For many years, even the most diligent researchers in the extended Daniel Haston family would hit the so-called genealogical “brick wall” with appearances of Daniel in western North Carolina, prior to the formation of the state of Tennessee.  They could establish their family connections back to Daniel, but could not document a connection from him to the family he came from.  Nor could they prove his European ethnicity.  As we saw in the previous chapter, there were many attempts to leap over that brick wall based on family folklore.  Some of those leaps landed in England, some in Scotland or Ireland, some in Holland, and some in Germany.  Obviously, most of those leaps were blind and they landed in the wrong countries.  There is no doubt now–our Haston roots were deeply planted in Swiss soil.

Canton Zurich

The earliest documented evidence, available now, for the whereabouts of any of our Hiestand ancestors is a 1401 tax record in Zürich Switzerland.  So, we can say with confidence that the Hiestand family roots can be traced back to Switzerland, specifically Canton Zürich in Switzerland.  In case you are wondering, a canton is a territorial district of Switzerland, much like a state in the United States.  

The Swiss element among the Pennsylvania Germans is the largest of the ethnic components of the population.  It is particularly strong in Lancaster, Lebanon, and other counties where there are Mennonite and Amish settlements.  These descendants of the Swiss Anabaptists have given their character from Canton Bern are Stauffer, Schenk, Longenecker, Forney [Fahrni], Eby, [Aebi]; from Canton Zürich, Landis, Nissley [Nussli], Denlinger [Dandliker], Hiestand, and others.[i]

[i] Don Yoder, “Problems and Resources in Pennsylvania German Genealogical Research,” in Pennsylvania German Roots Across the Ocean, ed. Marion Egge (Philadelphia: Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, 2000), 9.

Wädenswil and Richterswil

The early Hiestand family was primarily, if not exclusively, a Canton Zürich family, concentrated in and around Wädenswil (pronounced “vey’-denz-veel) and Richterswil (pronounced  “RRrrihcht’-urz-veel”, with a rolled-R at the beginning), including the village and district of Horgen–on the southern shore of Lake Zürich about 10 miles east of the city of Zürich. 

According to one source, “Hiestand” (Hier Stehel) probably means “Stand here!”[i]  The origin of the Hiestand surname may be related to a significant event in the family’s experience.  We cannot be sure, but perhaps our ancestors were granted rights to a certain plot of land and were told to stand there—that was their land.  Or maybe they were just stubborn people who were known for taking a stand.  We do know from history of the Wädenswil-Richterswil area that the people there were known for being fiercely independent.  But maybe “Stand here!” was assigned because of another marker event in the history of our Swiss family, an event that eludes our knowledge of the facts or even our imagination. 

[i] Tobler-Meyer, Deutsche Familiennamen. (Zürich: Albert Muller’s Yerlag, 1894), 175.


According to the History of Wädenswil, written by Johann Heinrich Kagi and published in 1867, the village was nearly 1000 years old at the time of his writing.[i] 

But while the actual village of Wädenswil may have started at about the time Kagi mentioned, in his book Apart from this World, J. Ross Baughman describes multiple civilizations at the Wädenswil site, going back centuries into pre-historic eras.[ii]  Apparently, it was an attractive home site for the earliest pre-historic inhabitants who lived along the shore of Lake Zürich. 

[i] Johann Heinrich Kagi, History of Wädenswil (1867): cited in Oscar Kuhnz, “The Homeland of the First Settlers in Lancaster County,” (Lancaster, PA: Papers Read Before the Lancaster County Historical Society, XXI, no. 2, February, 1917): 24.

[ii] J. Ross Baughman, Apart from this World. (Edinburgh, VA: Shenandoah History Publishers, 1997), 5-9.

In the final centuries of the Middle Ages, Wädenswil became known for the Catholic Order of St. John and the “old” Wädenswil Castle, the ruins of which currently exist within the municipality of nearby Richterswil. 


One mile southeast of Wädenswil, along the shore, is Richterswil. 

Johann Georg Ritter von Zimmermann was an 18th Century Swiss-born philosopher, naturalist, and physician whose books made a great impact throughout Europe.  

His book Solitude was translated into almost European language and had great impact on European thought.  His visit to Richterswil in 1775, made a deep impression on him.  And it gives us a vivid mental picture of the village where some of our Swiss ancestors lived.

At the village of Richterswil, a few leagues from Zürich, in a situation still more delicious and serene…surrounded by every object the most smiling, beautiful, and sublime that Switzerland presents…. 

The village is situated on the borders of the Lake, at a place where two projecting points of land form a natural bay of nearly half a league.

The mountains extend themselves from the south to the west: the village of Richterswil, is situated at their feet upon the banks of the lake: deep forests of firs cover the summit, and the middle is filled with fruit trees, interspersed with rich fallows and fertile pasture, among which, at certain distances, a few houses are scattered.  The village itself is neat, the streets are paved, and the houses, built of stone, are painted on the outside.  Around the village are walks formed on the banks of the lake, or cut through shady forests to the hills; and on every side scenes, beautiful or sublime, strike they the eye while they ravish the heart of the admiring traveler. 

Every acre of this charming country is in the highest degree of cultivation and improvement.  No part of it has suffered to lie untilled; every hand is at work; and men, women, and children, from infancy to age, are all usefully employed.[i]


[i] M. Zimmermann, Solitude: Considered, With Respect to its Influence Upon the Mind and the Heart. (1825; reprinted, www.forgottenbooks.com, 2015), 234-236.

The People of Wädenswil and Richterswil

The people of Richterswil and Wädenswil established quite a reputation for revolting against civic and religious authorities they deemed to be unjust.  In the following chapter, we will learn that the so-called “Radical Reformation,” the Anabaptist revolt against Ulrich Zwingli and the Swiss Reformed Church.  This religious revolt became deeply entrenched in Richterswil, Wädenswil, and surrounding villages, soon after the movement’s 1525 beginning.  But I will hold that story for the next chapter.

Life was hard in old-time Wädenswil and Richterswil, Switzerland!  Near-perpetual warfare, epidemics such as the Black Plague that wiped out a sizeable percentage of Europe’s population, extreme winters and famines, oppression of peasants by ruling authorities, and the unmerciful acts of religious persecution that we will see in the following chapter.  How is it that any of our ancestors survived?  As descendants of some of these Swiss villagers, we are fortunate to be alive.  Think of this: If just one of our direct-descent ancestors had died before our next generation ancestor had been born, we would never have been born.  Now, what are the odds that we are here?  Hmmm…

Flight over Richterswil at Sunrise

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01 – In Search of Our European Roots

01 - In Search of Our European Roots

It looks like a hopeless task to trace back the family of Daniel, but let’s keep stumbling in the dark until we find something.

The desire of Daniel Haston’s descendants to know our European ethnicity did not begin with the genealogical interest that surged in the final decade of the 20th century, due to the availability of personal computers and internet access to repositories of family records and historical documents.  Research files and notes from Haston family researchers in the 1940s, 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s reveal that their major quest was to know the European origin of Daniel Haston’s ancestors.

Who and what are we–English, Dutch from Holland, Irish, Scots, Scots-Irish, Germans, Swiss, SWISS-Germans?

Opinions about our ethnicity have varied greatly and sometimes been held tenaciously.  “My granddaddy told me…” oral histories within the various sub-branches of the Daniel Haston family have often become accepted as true, even without supporting historical evidence.  Even some of Daniel’s grandchildren, two or three generations removed from Daniel, varied in their opinions.  Surely, Daniel’s own children would have known their roots–especially the older ones, such as David and Joseph.  But apparently, there was not much interest in communicating and perpetuating knowledge of their family’s history from generation to generation.

So, descendants of Daniel Haston have – for many years – had different theories regarding our European roots. Some have claimed English roots; some Scots or Irish or Scots-Irish, some Hollander Dutch; others German or Swiss or SWISS-German (born in Switzerland but lived in Germany before coming to America). 


Some descendants of Daniel Haston have believed that Daniel and/or his ancestors were from England.  Sometimes, adherents of this English theory attempted to tie him to one of the English “Hastings” families that immigrated to America in the 1600s or 1700s and settled in Watertown, MA or Amelia County, VA or the Orange County area of NC.  Some were even so strongly convinced of English roots, they adopted and adhered to the “Hasting” or “Hastings” spelling of the surname.  But none of these claims cited solid documentation or other kinds of plausible evidence to support a connection to either of the English Hastings families in America or any other proof of English ancestry for Daniel Haston.


Those of us who bear the “Haston” surname, know the tendency for others to look right at “Haston” and pronounce it “Hastings” or to hear us clearly introduce our self as “Haston” and yet respond, “Hello, Mr. Hastings.”  That is probably due to the fact that the name Hasting or Hastings is much more common than our H-A-S-T-O-N surname. 


The “Haston” surname is known to be native to Scotland, leading some descendants of Daniel Haston to assume that we are Scots or Scots-Irish (also known as Ulster Scots).  For example, the late Dougal Haston of mountain climbing fame in the Alps and on Mount Everest, was born in Scotland.[i]  And to this day, the Haston name still exists in Scotland. 

[i] Dougal Haston, In High Places. (Edinburgh: Canongate, 2003).

Apparently, based only on the similarity of the surnames, many earlier Haston family researchers concluded, without any connecting documentation or other hard evidence, that Daniel Haston descended from John Haston of Edinburgh, Scotland, through his son Thomas Haston who married Polly Stacy, and through their son William Haston who married Allison Montgomery in 1735 in Amelia County, VA.  Thus, Daniel (according to these assumptions) was of Scottish descent.  Unfortunately, that view has continued to circulate, even though it is totally unsubstantiated. 


It might make sense to assume that Daniel Haston’s family was rooted in Scotland, IF we were not aware that Daniel’s real/original surname was not “Haston”


As a boy, growing up in White County, Tennessee (just a few miles from where Daniel Haston’s family settled very early in the 1800s), my mother told me that my paternal ancestors were Dutch.  I suppose she thought the same thing that I thought—that my Dad’s forefathers came from the Netherlands.  But when I began to research my Haston family’s roots I soon learned that “Dutch” does not necessarily mean Hollanders.  In 1995, soon after I moved to York County, Pennsylvania (immediately west of the Susquehanna River and “Amish and Mennonite County” in Lancaster County), I learned that “Dutch” is an Anglicization of “Deutsch,” which means “German” or German speakers.

Pleasant Austin – Grandson of Daniel Haston
A biographical sketch of Daniel’s grandson, Pleasant Austin (son of John Austin, Sr. and Catherine Haston Austin) says that his mother (Catherine) was thought to have been of Dutch descent.  Pleasant Austin was born on September 8, 1820, which was six years prior to Daniel’s death.  The Austins lived in the Lost Creek community, which is a north-eastern extension of the Hickory Valley community in White County.  Daniel’s home place was only about ten miles (down by the White’s Cave and through Big Bottom and around to Cummingsville) from where young Pleasant Austin lived.  So Pleasant Austin grew up close enough to his grandfather that he would have known him personally, and at the age six, should have had memories of interacting with Daniel.[i]


[i] Goodspeed, White County History of Tennessee. (1887; reprinted, Signal Mountain, TN: Mountain Press, 1990), 17.  This work was originally published about 13 years before Pleasant Austin died.  Pleasant Austin was 67 years old at the time of its publication.

William Carroll Haston, Sr. – Grandson of Daniel Haston
The classic “Dutch descent” quote, referring to Daniel Haston, is attributed to William Carroll Haston, Sr.  In a biographical sketch of William Carroll Haston, published in A Memorial and Biographical Record of the Cumberland Region (published in 1898), it is said of William Carroll Haston that: 


He was born here, March 2, 1829, and on the paternal side is of Dutch descent, his grandfather, Daniel Hastons [sic], being scarcely able to speak English.  At an early date, he [i.e. Daniel] came to Tennessee, locating in Van Buren County, near the spring now known as Haston’s Big Spring, where he purchased the land now owned by our subject.[i]  


[i] George A. Ogle, A Memorial and Biographical Record of the Cumberland Region. (1898; reprinted, Greenville, SC: Southern Historical Press, 1995), 272. 


William Carroll Haston, Sr. was the grandson of Daniel through David, as was Pleasant Austin, through Catherine.  The descendants closest to Daniel, to whom published statements exist regarding their ancestry, both point to a “Dutch” descent.   


"All evidence indicates that the statement as to the nationality of Daniel (in the William Carroll Haston bio) is correct, notwithstanding contrary statements by others.  This may account for the various spellings of the name--an effort to spell a Dutch name in English."

DNA Settles It

When I began researching my Haston family in 1999, I determined to remain neutral regarding the European roots of Daniel Haston until I, or someone else, found adequate proof to declare with certainty where our Haston forefathers came from in Europe.  Other than hearsay-based statements or circumstantial evidence, no evidence emerged to support the English or Scots/Irish/Scots-Irish views.  But evidence, even strong evidence, did gradually accumulate from my research to indicate that our Daniel Haston was, Daniel Hiestand, the son of the SWISS-German Henrich Hiestand. 


When, in October 2008, I received my paternal lineage DNA results, my DNA matched perfectly (on all 43 points!) the DNA of a Hiestand who is known to be a descendant of Henrich Hiestand through Henrich’s oldest son, Jacob.  Since that time, male descendants of all known sons of Daniel Haston who have living male-line descendants (David, Joseph, Isaac, Jesse, Jeremiah) have submitted DNA and the results have all been the same—perfect matches with this known descendant of Henrich Hiestand.  And, also since the earliest known match, our DNA has matched other known SWISS-German Hiestand men.

This DNA comparison chart was created a few years after DNA testing started to become popular for genealogical purposes.

The DNA (Y-DNA) of the six men at the top of the chart matched perfectly (43 of 43 markers).  The chart at the bottom of the image was from a different DNA company, but the DNA of this man perfectly (34 of 34 markers) with my DNA (Donald Wayne Haston).

Kent Douglas Hiestand is a known descendant of Henrich Hiestand, through Henrich’s oldest son Jacob.  Jacob Hiestand was the oldest brother of our Daniel Hiestand/Haston.

  • Donald Wayne Haston descended from Daniel Haston through Daniel’s son David.
  • Dwight E. Haston descended from Daniel Haston through Daniel’s son Joseph.
  • Frank Edward Hastings descended from Daniel Haston through Daniel’s son Isaac.
  • Nathan Heath Haston descended from Daniel Haston through Daniel’s son Jeremiah.
  • John Haston (man on the bottom chart) descended from Daniel Haston through Daniel’s son Jesse.
Who is Harry Hillman Hastain?  I think he is probably a descendant of one of David Haston’s sons who moved to Missouri–probably Daniel McComiskey Haston or David Maclin Haston.

The “Most Recent Common Ancestor” (MRCA) of these five men was our Daniel Hiestand/Haston.  But the MRCA they share with Kent Douglas Hiestand goes all the way back to Daniel and Jacob Hiestand’s father, Henrich Hiestand–and yet they are still a perfect Y-DNA match!  And we know that Henrich Hiestand, who lived and died in what is now Page County, VA, was from a Swiss Mennonite family that was forced to flee Switzerland and settle on the Rhineland of what is now SW Germany.  More about that later.

For the Swiss Anabaptist refugees who eventually ended up in America, their abode in Germany was short-lived, one or two or three generations in most cases.  They were really Swiss and not German—Swiss who were forced to emigrate from Switzerland and settled in Germany.  Therefore, I refer to them as SWISS-German.  

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Book Project – Heritage of Daniel Haston

Book Progress Update - December 2020

The work on this book actually began in the fall of 1999, when I started interacting with other people who were researching our Haston family history, visiting libraries, reading books, organizing a filing system, and developing www.DanielHaston.com.

When I officially retired in 2017, the writing began.  I estimated that it would take five years to create the draft.  Here we are over three years later.

What's the Current Status?

At the end of 2019, I had completed 15 chapters covering 536 pages–those are only draft copies, not final.


This year (2020) I almost equaled what I accomplished in the first two-plus years–493 pages in 16 draft chapters!

Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic for keeping me shut in.  Thanks for cancer in mid-year to remind me that life is uncertain and I have no idea how long I will have to finish this project.  And thanks to a supportive wife who believes in what I’m doing.

When Will the Book Be Published?

I hope to complete the full draft by mid-2021, a year earlier than I anticipated.

But each chapter needs some “cleaning up” and there are some holes yet to be filled in the text, requiring additional research.  As those developments occur, I’ll be handing the text off to a professional designer which will require “who knows how much time?” 


The "Reader's Digest" Version

I’m wise enough to know that only the die-hard genealogists and family history nuts (like me) are going to read 1,000 plus pages.  That’s unfortunate because I know how much “good stuff” is there to be read–especially by Daniel Hiestand/Haston descendants.


So, my plan is–Lord willing–to print a limited number of the full book (probably requiring two volumes).  I want to get it into as many libraries as possible–especially libraries where I know there are concentrations of our family members.  And I plan to print the full book for anyone who expresses an interest in purchasing it.


But if the Lord gives me good health and a clear mind, I plan to create a smaller version of the book, perhaps 200-250 or so pages.  Obviously, it will be an overview book and will not contain the many hundreds of footnotes in the full book.  I hope to write it in a simple, readable, narrative format as much as possible That version will probably be published before the full volume(s).  


Contents of the Book

The Heritage of Daniel Haston
Son of SWISS-German Mennonite Immigrant Henrich Hiestand


Four Units – 30 Chapters

Unit 1 – Roots

  1. Early Theories about Daniel’s European Roots
  2. Hiestands in Switzerland
  3. Anabaptists (Mennonites)
  4. Refugees to the Palatinate in Southwest Germany
  5. Village of Ibersheim (Near Worms, Germany)
  6. Emigration to America

Unit 2 – Henrich Hiestand and Family

  1. Henrich Hiestand in Pennsylvania (East Hempfield Township, Lancaster County)
  2. Henrich Hiestand Family in Virginia (what is now, Page County, VA)

Unit 3 – Daniel and Abraham

  1. Daniel Hiestand/Haston in Virginia
  2. Revolutionary War – Was Daniel a Rev War Veteran or Not?
  3. Early North Carolina Connections
  4. Hiestand Families in Early East Tennessee
  5. Hiestand Families in Early Kentucky
  6. Daniel Haston Family in Knox County, Tennessee
  7. McComesky-Roddy-Ryan-Haston Connections
  8. Daniel Haston in White County, Tennessee

Unit 4 – Daniel’s Children

  1. David – White County
  2. David – Van Buren County
  3. Montgomery Greenville Haston
  4. Joseph
  5. Lucinda – Wife of Jacob Mitchell
  6. Catherine – Wife of John Austin
  7. Isaac – Tennessee
  8. Isaac – Missouri
  9. Isaac – California
  10. Jesse
  11. Jeremiah MC
  12. Daniel, Jr.
  13. Elizabeth – Wife of James Roddy
  14. Mary-Polly & Peggy – Daniel’s Daughters?

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Discovering Your Family History

Why Study Dead People?

Or "Discovering Your Family's History"

Podcast Interview with Wayne Haston

DEBORAH JOHNSON, M.A., creator of Hero Mountain™® and past President of Los Angeles National Speakers Association, is an international award-winning music artist, author, speaker and National Media Commentator. Deborah provides principles to produce a successful second half, creating momentum and getting unstuck, reaching expansive goals and a desired lifestyle. Up for multiple GRAMMY Awards and spending over 20 years in the entertainment industry, she’s an expert on how to constantly reinvent yourself in a gig-economy. She is also the recipient of the 2018 Women’s Economic Forum Exceptional Women of Excellence Award. Deborah is the author of 4 books and speaks and performs in both live and virtual events.

Summary Written by Deborah Johnson

This article is based on an interview I had with Dr. Wayne Haston, an expert on discovering family history. So why study dead people? It’s a lonely hobby as it’s so narrowly focused! When Dr. Haston started doing research, he became overwhelmed with all he was finding. He had not yet retired and was fairly busy in his regular work. How was he going to organize all of the information he was discovering about his family history?


That was over 20 years ago and he has now found a way! His system of organization has been a huge asset in his ability to expand his research now that he is retired. Having two doctorate degrees definitely came in handy as he was used to researching. Approaching age 73 at the time of this writing, his research is rewarding, fun and keeping his mind sharp!

Where to Start with Family History

Wayne started his research by creating a website. (DanielHaston.com) By doing so, he could easily post new findings and illustrations. It was also a fairly easy way to organize his research.


He also started an open Facebook group where he posts updates and is more easily linked with other family members. But most of his work is posted on the website. After taking a DNA test, Dr. Haston even posted his test result on his website. (Quite interesting to view!) 


With all his research organized and categorized over the years, he has now combined the material for an upcoming book. The large version will be a library only edition, already at 30 chapters and over 500 pages, eventually to be between 800-900 pages! However, he’ll provide a smaller download version as a free PDF file.  Wayne has gone way beyond what many will attempt, but he is providing a long-lasting legacy for his family and future generations to come.


If you are interested in your family history, there are places online to start looking. here’s Ancestry.com, which starts with a free trial, but then a fee. There’s also a completely free site sponsored by the Mormon church, FamilySearch.org which is excellent. There are many other resources you will find with a Google search.


Solving Mysteries in Your Family's History

Look for the unanswered questions. There are usually some theories or stories you will hear from other family descendants. You may have to do a little research to find them, but with social media, this is now more feasible! 


It’s also fun to visit some of those family members. We recently took a trip to my birthplace in Georgia and I walked away with new insights about my dad’s side of my family. I also found out the small town I was born used to be called Denhamville, going back to the Civil war, referring to my ancestor’s tannery that furnished shoes and boots for the soldiers! (Denham is my maiden name!)


Wayne discovered three main theories about where his family came from. After his DNA test, he knew which theory was correct and that opened up a whole new world. You may be unaware that many others have also done a lot of research on your family. If you can find and meet those people, you can ask them where they got stuck and what else there is to find. One contact told Wayne, There’s always something more in the bottom of the barrel! He then proceeded to find much more information not yet uncovered. This fact reminded me to check in with some of my family members before taking an extended trip to Italy to research my roots from my mom’s side of my family!

The Importance of Family History

Some people may think a study like this is crazy. You can be out doing other things like playing golf or traveling to exotic places. However, the more details you find, the more exciting it gets to discover more! I had a cousin come up to me during my mom’s memorial service and tell me she had done quite a bit of research in Italy she’d love to share with me. I got super excited and hope to meet with her soon!


The Jewish culture in biblical times definitely thought it was very important to mention the genealogical records in the Old Testament. In fact, they memorized many of those records. When Martin Luther first translated the Bible into German, thanks to the printing press, he sold 5,000 copies in just two weeks. From 1518-1525, Luther’s writings accounted for a third of all books sold in Germany and his German Bible went through more than 430 editions.* There is a large amount of genealogy included in the Bible and this has been very important for not only for religious organizations, but for both American and European history.


History also helps us to understand ourselves, our culture and life’s perspective. We hear the phrase, History repeats itself and it’s true! Just like political history repeats itself, you may find patterns of repetition in your family history. Understanding those patterns can empower you to move forward with steps for positive change and to even create a different path for future generations. That makes discovering your family history even more important and powerful!


DEBORAH JOHNSON, M.A., creator of Hero Mountain™® and past President of Los Angeles National Speakers Association, is an international award-winning music artist, author, speaker and National Media Commentator. Deborah provides principles to produce a successful second half, creating momentum and getting unstuck, reaching expansive goals and a desired lifestyle. Up for multiple GRAMMY Awards and spending over 20 years in the entertainment industry, she’s an expert on how to constantly reinvent yourself in a gig-economy. She is also the recipient of the 2018 Women’s Economic Forum Exceptional Women of Excellence Award. Deborah is the author of 4 books and speaks and performs in both live and virtual events.

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Dave and Estelle Haston

David Rhea & Estelle Haston

Daniel Haston Family History “Hall of Famers”

We owe a lot to these folks for their diligent and careful research on our Daniel Haston family history and their efforts to connect all branches of our Haston family tree.

David Rhea and Estelle (Suggs) Haston lived in Sparta, Tennessee (White County, TN).  You can see their birth and death dates on the Highland Cemetery tombstone below.  For 20+ years (mid-1960s until sometime in the late 1980s or so) Dave and Estelle did a phenomenal job of researching and preserving our family’s history.  Estelle, in particular, connected with Haston family members ALL over the country and wrote perhaps 100s of letters, engaging them in Daniel Haston family research.

David Rhea Haston descended from Daniel Haston through Daniel’s son David, and David’s son Isaac T. Haston and David’s grandson, Montgomery Greenville (M.G.) Haston.  In other words, both of David Rhea Haston’s parents were Hastons in the David Haston line:

  • His father was Joel “Joe” Montgomery Haston (1863-1925), son of M.G. and Rachel Wheeler Haston.  M.G. was a grandson of David Haston, through David’s daughter Mary/Polly.
  • His mother was Elizabeth “Betty” Haston (1871-1946), daughter of Isaac T. Haston.  Isaac T. was David Haston’s next-to-the-youngest son.  
So David Rhea Haston was a double-descendant of David and Daniel Haston!  His parents were first cousins once-removed.  No wonder he developed such a keen interest in the history of the Haston family.

When David Rhea (Dave) retired from the Tennessee Valley Authority in October 1965, he and his wife, Estelle move back “home” to Sparta, TN and began to pursue Daniel Haston family research with a passion.  Remember:  that was when historical research was not easy.  Major highways were mostly two-lanes; no copying machines; no internet or email; long distance phone calls were very expensive.  When you look at their research files you can understand how challenging it must have been: correspondence was by USPS mail and copies were made using onion-skin paper and carbon copy paper. 

I (Wayne Haston) was extremely fortunate to inherit their research files.  Actually, I never met Dave nor Estelle although I grew up in the same small town where they lived and was related to them.  But Dave and Estelle passed along their resources to J.D. Haston of Sparta, whom I had known all my life.  Just a couple of years before J.D. passed away, I began interacting with him about the Haston family history.  In about 2002, knowing he had a health problem that might be terminal, J.D. gave me all of Dave and Estelle’s research materials, two boxes full of them.  I’ve gone through them page by page and organized them for access by some future Haston family researchers.

Estelle deserves special recognition for her work on the Haston family.  Although not a Haston by birth, she worked tirelessly to correspond with Haston relatives all over the USA, even after Dave passed away in 1985.  “Helpful” and “kind” are two words that come to mind when people who communicated with her think of her.  

A Personal Tribute to Dave and Estelle Haston

From Mrs. Howard (Carol) Haston

As a newlywed in 1971, I was surprised to learn that my husband Howard’s family knew very little of their Haston family history. Richard, my father-in-law, knew only that his father, John Foster Haston, was born into a large brood in Red Top, Missouri in 1884. His dad had told Richard that he left the family farm soon after his mother died and didn’t want to talk about it.  When I asked Howard’s mom, Claudina, about the Hastons, she produced a letter from Estelle Haston, Sparta, TN, inviting any and all Hastons to the annual family reunion in Sparta.  None of my Portland Hastons knew if they were related but mom-in-law kept the letter.

Ten years later, Howard’s job took us to Tennessee. I determined to find the Missouri to Tennessee Haston connection if one existed. Cranking through microfilm rolls of Missouri censuses in Knoxville, I found the path from Howard’s family to Jeremiah Haston, born around 1798, in Tennessee. With Estelle’s years-old letter in hand, I called Estelle and Dave Haston’s Sparta phone number, hoping they still lived there. Eureka. Estelle answered. I explained my research, telling her that we’d like to attend the annual reunion with 12-15 additional Hastons, Richard’s brothers, sister, spouses. Although Estelle knew nothing of our Jeremiah, we were Hastons nonetheless and were invited.

I asked Estelle how she’d gotten my in-laws’ address years earlier for her U.S. Haston mailing list. It seems that Ma Bell had a hand in her methodology. Whenever she and Dave’s families or friends traveled to a city outside of Tennessee, Estelle asked them to comb that city phone book and bring her the Haston page or copied info from that book. As you may remember, printed phone books usually displayed a person’s name, phone number and address. This was an ingenious mass-mailing effort prior to the Web.  I’m glad it reached us.

In 2010, DNA linked the Jeremiah lineage to Daniel Haston and Heinrich Hiestand showing that Jeremiah was one of Daniel Haston’s sons.

A Personal Tribute to Dave and Estelle

From Jane Ritter

I am not sure where I found out about their research. Dave and Estelle were such amazing people. They wanted to share what they knew about Haston family history. We corresponded for years sharing information. I also learned many things about them and what their work and family had been doing. Estelle always included her current church and family activities. We visited with them in Tennessee on several occasions. They were great hosts. Dave showed us the cemeteries and buildings and told what he knew about them from what he learned from his grandfather. I do remember that he didn’t think I was a real Haston because it was my mother’s family. I felt more like a Haston though because I was so close to my mother’s family. Dave and Estelle were Baptists like we are so we worshipped with them also. They treated us as special guests and were so happy we were interested in our family history.

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Colonel Howard H. Hasting, Sr.

Colonel Howard H. Hasting, Sr.

1950s-80s Daniel Haston Family Researcher

A Daniel Haston History Hall of Famer

Howard H. Hasting, Sr.

March 23, 1905-April 1, 2003

Oldest of six children. Graduate of the United States Military Academy, West Point in 1928. Separated from the armed service in 1931, he practiced law in Arkansas until he was recalled to duty after the attack on Pearl Harbor. He served in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps during the war, stationed at West Point. Served as the chief assistant to the American Judge for the War Crimes Tribunal for the Far East after the war.

I began my Haston family research in the fall of 1999 by “standing on the shoulders” of many men and women who had preceded me in researching the Daniel Haston and related families.  A few of them I was fortunate to get to know and correspond with.  Some are still living and active, to varying degrees.  But many more had passed away or were late stages of failing health by the time I became active as a student of our family’s history.

I want you to know about some of these men and women who did so much to keep our family’s history alive and pave the way for the rest of us.

Howard H. Hasting descended from Daniel Haston through Daniel’s son Joseph: Joseph>Isaac (son of Joseph)>James Thomas>Isaac Thomas>James Isaac>Howard Hillman Hasting, Sr.  You can read about this family line in Colonel Hasting’s family report.  Howard’s father and other family members moved to Yell County, Arkansas in about 1880, where they (as a family group) changed their “Haston” name to “Hasting.”

Mr. Hasting conducted extensive research back in the day when there was no internet, no email, no cell phones, no personal computers, no interstate highways, no “Xerox” machines, and long distance phone calls were expensive.  He traveled to Arkansas, Missouri, and even to Van Buren County, Tennessee in the summer of 1951, to visit cemeteries, old Haston homesites, and to talk to old-timers in or related to the Daniel Haston family.  He corresponded with Haston family members in various parts of the country.  He conducted research in small town courthouses and libraries, as well as the Library of Congress. i

True to his profession as an attorney, he was concerned about accuracy in his research, even though later research has revealed some errors in his work–which is the case for all family researchers.  

In about 2002, I located a phone number for Howard H. Hasting, Sr. in San Antonio, TX and decided to give him a call.  He answered and we talked briefly.  He apparently had dementia at the time and only vaguely recalled some of the Haston names I mentioned.  But, at least, I was able to speak with him.  A few years after Mr. Hasting passed away, I was on a business trip in San Antonio and had the privilege of eating dinner with his son (Howard, Jr.) and his son’s wife.  Howard, Jr. told me about his experiences as a genealogist’s son–more trips to courthouses and libraries than he wanted to remember.

Please inform me of other earlier, now-deceased, Daniel Haston family researchers who should be honored with a tribute.

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