
About the Daniel Haston Family Association

A 501 (c)(7) IRS-Approved Association

Rescuing from oblivion the history and stories of our early Hastons and related ancestors.

Daniel Haston was an American pioneer born in northern Virginia.  In about 1783, he moved his family to what is now East Tennessee and eventually settled in what became White County of Middle Tennessee.   

His father, Henry Hiestand, immigrated to America from the German Rhineland in 1727. However, the Hiestand family originated in Canton Zürich, Switzerland. They were Anabaptists (Mennonites) who had to flee their Swiss homeland because of persecution for their simple Biblical faith. 

Daniel, a first-generation born-American, was a very simple man with 13 or so children and dozens of grandchildren who scattered from Tennessee throughout the Midwest, Southwest, Western states, and pretty much all over the United States.  

Wayne Haston - Family Historian

An Association of Daniel Haston’s Descendants and Other Folks Who Are Interested in Daniel and His Extensive Family

Daniel’s father, our earliest immigrant ancestor, was Henrich Hiestand.  The original Hiestand surname first appeared in 1401. The name has morphed into many different spellings–Haston, Hastin, Hasten, Hasting, Hastings, Hastain, etc.  Regardless of how our “H” names are spelled, we are all members of one big family.

You certainly don’t have to carry one of those names to be a part of The Daniel Haston Family Association.  Anyone related to the family, directly or indirectly, is welcome to join us as we seek to research, preserve, and honor the history and heritage of the vast Daniel Haston family.

We would like to see the association grow, not only as a repository and disseminator of historical information but also as a group of committed family members who could assist with Haston-related projects.  For example, one goal would be to raise funds to help with the upkeep of some key cemeteries where our ancestors are buried.

We will be making known some of the association’s financial needs along the–annual costs of our website as well as some opportunities to assist with some Haston heritage projects.

To become a member of our association, go to "Register" on the main menu at the top of the page.  Also, please share this page with others who might have an interest in joining the Daniel Haston Family Association.

“Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations:
ask thy father, and he will show thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee.”

Deuteronomy 32:7 King James Version (KJV)

Don’t you hope someday someone will be here
to help your descendants remember you?

The Legacy of Service - Honoring Military Veterans from the Haston and Related Families

The Legacy of Service is a military honor society within the Daniel Haston Family Association.  It was organized to recognize and honor military veterans who are in any way related to the Daniel Haston Family.

If you are military veteran from the extended Daniel Haston Family (including related families), we invite you to submit information about your military service.  Also, consider submitting your ancestors’ military service information for admittance into the Legacy of Service military honor society.

Coordinated by Major General Max Haston, Retired


Isham S. Haston Homeplace

“The Homeplace” The Isham S. Haston Family By Andrew LaRowe I am just old enough to have had the opportunity to know someone that was born on a farm in

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Wappen Hiestand

Wappen Hiestand Die geballten Fäuste sind ein Hinweis darauf, dass dieses Wappen nicht von einem oder für einen Täufer geschaffen wurde, sondern von einem Schweizer Hiestand, der sich dieser Bewegung

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Sch̦nau РGerman version

Versteckt in einer winzigen Ecke des Kantons Zürich, Schweiz Co-Autoren: Dr. Peter Ziegler (Zürich, Schweiz) und Dr. Wayne Haston (Pennsylvania, USA) (Einschließlich bedeutender Forschungsdaten von Kent Douglas Hiestand) Serie: Frühe Schweizer

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Dr. Fred Dexter Haston

Dr. Fred Dexter Haston, M.D. How many men or women are prominent enough to have a 700-word article about them in a history book of the state they lived in

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Haston – James Phillip

1921 – 2021 James Phillip Haston All Registration for Draft Rank and Branch of Military First Class Boatswain Mate, Navy Years of Service 1942-1945 Locations of Training, Deployment, and Service

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Ueli Hiestand, Prominenter Bauer im 15. Jahrhundert

Ueli Hiestand, Prominenter Bauer im 15. Jahrhundert Co-Autoren: Dr. Peter Ziegler (Zürich, Schweiz) und Dr. Wayne Haston (Pennsylvania, USA) (Einschließlich bedeutender Forschungsdaten von Kent Douglas Hiestand) Serie: Frühe Schweizer Hiestand Die

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The Hiestand Name – Its Origin and Meaning

The Hiestand Family Name – It’s Origin, Meaning, and Pronunciation Dr. Peter Ziegler (Zürich, Switzerland) and Dr. Wayne Haston (Pennsylvania, USA), Co-Authors (Including significant research data from Kent Douglas Hiestand)

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Der Familienname Hiestand

Der Familienname Hiestand – Herkunft, Bedeutung und Aussprache Co-Autoren: Dr. Peter Ziegler (Zürich, Schweiz) und Dr. Wayne Haston (Pennsylvania, USA) (Einschließlich bedeutender Forschungsdaten von Kent Douglas Hiestand) Serie: Frühe Schweizer Hiestand

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Swiss Hiestands in the 1400s

Our Swiss Hiestand Ancestors in the 1400s Dr. Peter Ziegler (Zürich, Switzerland) and Dr. Wayne Haston (Pennsylvania, USA), Co-Authors (Including significant research data from Kent Douglas Hiestand) “Early Swiss Hiestands”

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Timeline of Our Blog Articles

Timeline of Our Blog Articles Some of the main topics included in the blog focus on the history of the Daniel Haston family, honoring earlier Haston family researchers and other

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The Daniel Haston Short Story

The Daniel Haston Short Story Daniel Haston’s family lived “south of the Holston [now Tennessee] river opposite Knoxville, TN shortly after the town was established and when Tennessee became a state

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